Depression. Depression What is the difference between major/clinical depression and just feeling down? A person with depression experiences severe.

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2 Depression

3 What is the difference between major/clinical depression and just feeling down?
A person with depression experiences severe and long lasting episodes of feeling hopeless and helpless – can’t ever see it getting better Someone who just “feels depressed” knows they will get through it with time

4 Situational Depression
Results from normal sadness and disappointment one might experience in life For example, death of a loved one, breakup with a boyfriend, low grades, divorce of a parent

5 Factors that lead to depression
A family history (genes) Imbalance in brain chemicals (serotonin) Major life changes (off to college) Major illness Use of alcohol/drugs Side effect of certain medications

6 Symptoms of Depression
Sleep patterns – too much or too little Lack of interest in friends & usual activities Poorly in school Anger & irritability Indecision or lack of concentration Change in weight – up or down Drug and/or alcohol abuse

7 Treatment Therapy – to deal with the negative thoughts and thinking patterns Medication – to help restore balance to brain chemicals/neurotransmitters Prozac, Zoloft, etc.

8 Women vs. Men? Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression Why? - biological or just a greater willingness to express feelings/seek help

9 Teen Depression 1 in 5 report episodes of depression at some point during high school 5, year-olds commit suicide each year 3rd leading cause of death among teens

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