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End of KS 1 Assessment Information Session

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1 End of KS 1 Assessment Information Session
April 5th 2019

2 Outline What are SATs? Teacher assessment An outline of the tasks and tests Standards The results What you can do to help

3 What are the SATs? They are a series of tests that back up the teacher’s own assessment. Teacher Assessment takes precedence. They will take place in May SPAG – Early to help standards and testing Agency set standard.

4 Teacher Assessment ‘Best-fit’ judgements replaced by mastery model to secure key learning. Level descriptors replaced by ‘pupil can’ statements.



7 Teacher Assessment Outcomes
BLW Below the standard of the pre-key stage PKF Pre-key stage foundation WTS Working towards standard EXS Working at expected standard GDS Working at greater depth in the expected standard)

8 Maths Arithmetic Reasoning

9 Reading Paper 1

10 Paper 2

11 Paper 2

12 Spelling and Grammar

13 Writing There is no specific test or task set for writing.
The class teacher will decide if a child is working towards the expected standard, at the expected standard or within greater depth of the expected standard based on ongoing assessments.

14 There will be no ‘best fit’ model
There will be no ‘best fit’ model. Writing will need to demonstrate that children have achieved all the objectives otherwise the standard will not have been met.

15 What can you do at home? Keep it low key Be positive
Continue doing the things you do at the moment - Hear your child read regularly and talk about the book, practise spellings, working towards Rainbow Recall badges. Lots of sleep No need to worry or panic

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