Higher order questions

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1 Higher order questions
Lesson Topic(s): Language Arts Second Grade Week of: 4/01-4/05 Objectives: Students will correctly identify adjectives and use them in sentences. TEKS:ELA 2.2Bvi digraphs, 2.5B multi meaning words, 2.17B drafts, 2.21Aiii adj., 2.19A interest writing, 2.17D edit for grammar, 2.18A B/M/E story, ELPS: c5B use vocabulary, c5F grade appropriate sentences Essential Question(s): How are adjectives used effectively in sentences? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan P:Lesson 100 oo G:Adjective practice. W: Mentor #12 Notice Sentence Corrections. Writing Workshop P:Lesson 101 oo G: Article practice. W: Mentor #12 Categorize P:Lesson 102 oo G: Adjective practice. W: Mentor #12 Revise P:Lesson 103 oo G:Contraction practice. W: Mentor #12 Imitate P:Assessment W: Mentor #12 Assessment Vocabulary Took, books, wood, stood, cookbook, buy, maybe, where, outside, tomorrow ELP-group talk Syllable Antonym Article Multiple meanings Adjective ELP-journal writing ELP-writing process ELP-Think/Pair/Share ELP-posted strategies Higher order questions Give examples of contractions and describe how to tell create them. Explain how adjectives make sentences clearer or more specific. How do adjectives change a sentences structure or meaning? Can you add a adjective anywhere in a sentence? Is there a rule to follow? Explain. Why should you prove what you know? How can you edit your personal story for clarity. Assessment Strategy Write sentences with adjectives. Begin a rough draft beginning for a story . Anchor chart with common adjective patterns. Add to. Continue with a body of a writing story. Identify adjectives in sentences. Change them to better ones. Phonics review Homework page in class. Continue with an ending of a writing story. Students will do RTI as needed to reinforce skills. Narrative Final copy to turn in.

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