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Articles of Confederation

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1 Articles of Confederation

2 Levying Taxes Since government could only requests states pay taxes most won’t Without money government cannot run. Cannot pay employees, army, debts. Only options is to print more money which leads to inflation

3 Federal Courts Every state could have different laws and no one to oversee all issues No checks and balances on if laws fair

4 Regulation of Trade England would land in the state with lowest duties (taxes) and then move to states that where trying to keep them out States could tax goods coming in from other states

5 Executive No system of checks and balances
Not one person in clear control

6 Amending documents Since all states needed to agree little to no documents were added, necessary laws won’t get passed

7 Representation of states
Larger segments of population would have same voice as minority groups

8 Army Most states wanted to keep militia for its own protection, left the country vulnerable to attack

9 Disputes between states
No clear and easy way to settle issues, would lead to more problems then solve

10 Sovereignty Federal government less power
Couldn’t enforce treaty’s, could have lead to war with other countries

11 Passing Laws Need 9/13 again would make it hard to pass laws especially with different needs of the country and would pit North versus South

12 Legislation One house, no check and balances

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