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ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION First Constitution of the United States. Approved by Continental Congress in 1777. Established in the middle of the war for.

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2 ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION First Constitution of the United States. Approved by Continental Congress in 1777. Established in the middle of the war for independence. Colonies needed a government that would allow them to be organized against Britain.

3 Articles of Confederation Created a federal government. One legislative branch with limited powers. A congress where each state had one vote.

4 National Government Powers

5 Declare War

6 National Government Powers Maintain the armed forces.

7 National Government Powers Make treaties with other countries.

8 National Government Powers disputesSettle disputes between states.

9 National Government Powers Borrow money.

10 State Powers

11 Collect Taxes

12 State Powers Create court systems.

13 State Powers Enforce laws passed by Congress.

14 State Powers Collect taxes Create court systems Enforce laws passed by Congress. National (Congress) Powers Declare war Maintain the army Make treaties Borrow money Settle disputes between states.

15 Weaknesses –Articles of Confederation

16 Congress cannot collects taxes. Congress cannot enforce laws.

17 Weaknesses –Articles of Confederation Congress cannot control trade. Congress cannot enforce laws.

18 Weaknesses –Articles of Confederation No executive branch to force states to obey. No judicial branch to settle disputes.

19 Weaknesses –Articles of Confederation Required 9 out of 13 states to pass laws. All states needed to agree to amend the constitution.

20 The Articles of Confederation Weak central government Limited power No power to enforce laws

21 Problem: Territory New territories available for settlement. More than 120,000 people moved to new territories. States disputed the land.

22 The Ordinance of 1785 Law proposed by Thomas Jefferson. Land would be sold and divided into towns. Each town would be divided into 36 sections of 640 acres.

23 The Northwest Ordinance States would be organized from Northwestern territories. Territory could apply to become state when it reached a population of 60,000. Territory must draft a constitution. Slavery would be outlawed. Slavery would be outlawed.

24 Problem: Economy Money had lost it’s value. Government was in debt with foreign countries and American citizens. Congress tried passing taxes without success. Economic depression.

25 Problem: Shay’s Rebellion Farmers in Massachusetts grew tired of the economic situation. A group of farmers under the leadership of Daniel Shays rose up in arms. Their farms where taken away when they couldn’t pay the state taxes.

26 Problem: Shay’s Rebellion Shays led more than 1000 farmers against the government. The state militia confronted them. Many rebels died and others were hanged.

27 The union was falling apart.

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