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Pick your system, not your nose.

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Presentation on theme: "Pick your system, not your nose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pick your system, not your nose.
An attempt at Project Based Learning Pick your system, not your nose.

2 Your mission, should you choose to accept it:
Choose one of the three remaining body systems you’d like to learn about: Nervous Immune Excretory Create a product that meets the following critera (Next Slide)

3 Criteria Name the system (Nervous, Immune, or Excretory)
Describe the functions of the system Describe the structures of the system Describe how the system interacts with other systems Product must be creative Each criterion is worth 20 points, max 100. Bonus 5 points added for choosing Excretory system, 8 for Immune Not participating will negatively impact your grade.

4 Now, assign roles in your group
Groups may have 1 Scribe 1-2 Researchers 1 Reporter But they must have at least one of each job role.

5 The Scribe It is the scribe’s job to write everything down!
Write down the information to fulfill the criteria as your researchers find it. They will work closely with the reporter to develop a product!

6 The Researcher The researchers will use their textbook and their phone to learn about the system their group has chosen. Information must come from both the book and the internet. Failure to use both sources for information will result in a 10% penalty to overall grade score.

7 The Reporter The Reporter will be responsible for presenting the group product. The reporter will have final say in what the product will be. The reporter and the scribe will work together to come up with a product while the researchers are collecting data.

8 Sample products Products may be a flyer on a sheet of paper A song
A poem Use your imagination! As long as you hit the five criteria, you will receive full credit. Products will be completed during class today and presented during class tomorrow.

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