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The Upstairs Room Book Project Choices Mrs. Pisano 6 th Grade Advanced Reading 2 nd Nine Weeks Mrs. Pisano 6 th Grade Advanced Reading 2 nd Nine Weeks.

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1 The Upstairs Room Book Project Choices Mrs. Pisano 6 th Grade Advanced Reading 2 nd Nine Weeks Mrs. Pisano 6 th Grade Advanced Reading 2 nd Nine Weeks

2 Character FaceBook page  If the main character of your story had a FaceBook page, what would it look like?  What quotes would they have in their profile?  What would their profile pic be?  Who would write on their wall?  The detailed directions for this assignment can be found on my webpage.  If the main character of your story had a FaceBook page, what would it look like?  What quotes would they have in their profile?  What would their profile pic be?  Who would write on their wall?  The detailed directions for this assignment can be found on my webpage.

3 Write a Song or Poem  Write a song or a poem that is inspired by the characters or events in your story.  Does Alex Rider deserve a rap song? Does your book about the rainforest inspire you to write a poem about the beauty of nature?  Be sure to include a chorus for a song.  Poem and song must be two pages long at the minimum.  Write a song or a poem that is inspired by the characters or events in your story.  Does Alex Rider deserve a rap song? Does your book about the rainforest inspire you to write a poem about the beauty of nature?  Be sure to include a chorus for a song.  Poem and song must be two pages long at the minimum.

4 Create a Soundtrack  Create a soundtrack the represents different aspects of the book you have read.  A song that portrays the main characters overall personality.  A song depicting the primary conflict, feelings and or emotions of the novel – the plot.  A song describing the setting of the story.  3 songs of your choice that you feel go along with the book.  You must have at least 6 songs on your soundtrack. On a separate sheet of paper make a list of the songs you have chosen along with a brief explanation as to why that song fits with this book.  Your soundtrack can have no more than 12 songs total.  After completing the actual soundtrack, you then need to design a soundtrack cover.  Complete directions for this assignment can be found on my webpage.  Create a soundtrack the represents different aspects of the book you have read.  A song that portrays the main characters overall personality.  A song depicting the primary conflict, feelings and or emotions of the novel – the plot.  A song describing the setting of the story.  3 songs of your choice that you feel go along with the book.  You must have at least 6 songs on your soundtrack. On a separate sheet of paper make a list of the songs you have chosen along with a brief explanation as to why that song fits with this book.  Your soundtrack can have no more than 12 songs total.  After completing the actual soundtrack, you then need to design a soundtrack cover.  Complete directions for this assignment can be found on my webpage.

5 iPod Touch Apps  For this activity, you are asked to design and create five “Apps” that relate to the story you read.  You will also need to write one Paragraph for each application explaining what the application is and how it relates to your reading.  The handout with more detailed instructions can be found on my webpage.  For this activity, you are asked to design and create five “Apps” that relate to the story you read.  You will also need to write one Paragraph for each application explaining what the application is and how it relates to your reading.  The handout with more detailed instructions can be found on my webpage.

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