Gustar 1A.

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1 Gustar 1A

2 Infinitives Part of Speech: verb (simplest form of verb)
It is not conjugated In Spanish they end in –ar, -er, -ir ex: bailar correr escribir cantar leer In English, they are the “to” form of the verb ex: to ski to jump to scream

3 To be pleasing Literal meaning: Gustar
We don’t typically say “Burritos are pleasing to me”; instead we say “I like burritos”  so you can also think of gustar as “to like” (doesn’t include liking people)

4 Structure There are 2 ways to conjugate gustar: Gusta Gustan
Gusta: when what you like is Singular Noun Infinitive 2. Gustan: when what you like is Plural Noun

5 I like the book. En español: In English: “the book” is the subject
“to please” is the verb “me” is the indirect object In English: “I” is the subject “like” is the verb “the book” is the direct object

6 Structure Example: Me gusta el libro Me gustan los libros Me gusta dibujar What would use for “Me ______ leer libros”? Gusta Why?/How can you tell? To read is pleasing (infinitive)/the infinitive comes immediately after gustar

7 What goes before the verb?
a mí = Me a ti = Te a él = Le a ella a Ud. a nosotros/as =Nos a vosotros/as =Os a ellos =Les a ellas a Uds.

8 What do they mean? A mí me – to me A nosotros nos – to us A ti te – to you A él le – to him A ellos les – to them A ella le – to her A Uds. les – to you all A Ud. le – to you (f) *** What comes before the verb does NOT affect the verb

9 Another way to look at it…
A mí me A ti te A él le A ella le A Ud. le A nosotros nos A Uds. les A ellos les gusta sing. noun infinitive gustan pl. noun

10 Examples: A nosotros nos gusta el libro The book is pleasing to us
We like the book A ti te gustan los libros Books are pleasing to you You like books

11 Notice with all the nouns, you must include the definite article
With the plural nouns, you don’t translate the definite article in English Ex: A ella le gustan los gatos She likes cats (not the cats)

12 Practice To spend time with friends is pleasing to me.
A mí me gusta pasar tiempo con amigos. 2. The pen is pleasing to her. A ella le gusta el bolígrafo. 3. We like the folders. A nosotros nos gustan las carpetas. 4. To read magazines is pleasing to them. A ellos les gusta leer revistas.

13 Negatives 1A

14 How to… Make a sentence negative in Spanish, you typically put “NO” in front of the VERB, not the subject. Example: A Elena no le gusta trabajar Verb: gusta Translation: To work is not pleasing to Elena.

15 Questions If you are responding negatively to a question, you use no two times (just like English) No #1 – answers the question No #2 – this is the “not” part of the sentence ¿Te gusta dibujar? No, no me gusta dibujar No, I do not like to draw #1 #2

16 Nada If you use “nada” in your sentence, you must also have “no” in it. (In English, we wouldn’t use a double negative, in Spanish it’s okay) Ex:¿Te gusta cantar? No, no me gusta nada cantar No, I don’t like to sing at all (Notice: nada – and mucho – come AFTER gusta)

17 Ni…ni If you don’t like either of two options, use Ni…ni
(if you use “ni” once in a sentence, you MUST use it again) Each “ni” is placed in front of the verb or item you like Ex: No me gusta ni trabajar ni dibujar I like neither to work nor to draw I don’t like either to work or to draw

18 Tampoco vs. También También is an agreement with a positive statement
Ex: Me gusta bailar  I like to dance A mí también  Me too Tampoco is an agreement with a negative statement Ex: No me gusta bailar  I don’t like to dance. A mí tampoco  Me neither

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