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Change Comes to New York

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1 Change Comes to New York
Grade 4 Unit 4 Illustrated Glossary Change Comes to New York

2 agriculture the science or occupation of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock

3 a man made inland waterway built for transportation or irrigation
canal a man made inland waterway built for transportation or irrigation

4 child labor young children who worked in factories or mines beginning as young as 5 years old

5 an inland waterway built for transportation or irrigation
canal an inland waterway built for transportation or irrigation

6 a barrier preventing the flow of water
dam a barrier preventing the flow of water

7 a form of energy that can be artificially produced
electricity a form of energy that can be artificially produced

8 one who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business
entrepreneur one who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business

9 a building or set of buildings equipped for manufacturing
factory a building or set of buildings equipped for manufacturing

10 finance the system that includes the circulation of money, the providing of banks and credit, and the making of investments

11 Great Migration the movement of millions of African-Americans out of the South to the North, Midwest and West of the United States

12 Harlem Renaissance the new African-American cultural expressions that developed across the urban areas in the Northeast and Midwest United States

13 something acquired from the past
heritage something acquired from the past

14 land where a person was born
homeland land where a person was born

15 production of electricity by waterpower
hydroelectric power production of electricity by waterpower

16 a person who comes to a country to live there
immigrant a person who comes to a country to live there

17 a person who thinks up something new
inventor a person who thinks up something new

18 lock an enclosure in a canal, with watertight gates at each end. Used for raising or lowering boats from one level to another by filling or draining the water in the enclosure 

19 locomotive a self-propelled engine, running on rails, used to move cars for passengers and freight

20 the business of cutting down trees for wood products
lumbering the business of cutting down trees for wood products

21 to make something from raw materials by hand or by machinery
manufacturing to make something from raw materials by hand or by machinery

22 a building with machinery for grinding grain into flour
mill a building with machinery for grinding grain into flour

23 mining the process or business of removing ore or minerals (like coal or iron) from under the ground

24 a special boat designed to carry passengers instead of cargo
packet boat a special boat designed to carry passengers instead of cargo

25 a right to travel as a passenger on a boat
passage a right to travel as a passenger on a boat

26 a harbor town or city where ships load or unload cargo
port a harbor town or city where ships load or unload cargo

27 a harbor town or city where ships load or unload cargo
port a harbor town or city where ships load or unload cargo

28 raw materials natural or unprocessed minerals or plants from which useful products are manufactured

29 a dress or blouse for women with details copied from men's shirts
shirtwaist a dress or blouse for women with details copied from men's shirts

30 an engine driven or worked by steam
steam engine an engine driven or worked by steam

31 suffrage the right to vote

32 suspension bridge a bridge that has its roadway suspended from two or more cables usually passing over towers and strongly anchored at the ends

33 the use of science in solving problems
technology the use of science in solving problems

34 a fee people pay to use a canal, bridge, or road
toll a fee people pay to use a canal, bridge, or road

35 the buying, selling, or exchange of goods
trade the buying, selling, or exchange of goods

36 the moving of goods or people from one place to another
transportation the moving of goods or people from one place to another

37 working conditions low pay, long hours, and dangerous physical environment in the factories and mines for workers during the Industrial Revolution

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