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Welcome! April 6th, 2017 Thursday

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1 Welcome! April 6th, 2017 Thursday
Do Now Get your folder from the front crate and find your seat Begin working on your Daily Edit paragraph. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find all 10 mistakes in today’s paragraph. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Thursday April 6, 2017 People honor Arbor Day by planting tree’s
Thursday April 6, 2017 People honor Arbor Day by planting tree’s. The first Arbor day was held in Nebraska on 1872 Soon after, the holiday became national and international. The official day is the last Friday in April, but sum states uses a different day thats better for planting. Northern states celebrate in may, and southern state celebrate in Febuary.

3 The Book Thief Turn to page 84 (the start of the prologue). We’re going to read to page 97. As we read: We’re going to mix things up today, so we’re not going to have our usual reading questions. As we read, make sure you’re paying attention so you can still do well on the quiz! 

4 Banned Book Research! Throughout The Book Thief, we see Liesel risk her freedom to access banned books. While book burning are rare in modern times, there are still books that are banned in the U.S. today. Today, you are going to research one of those banned books, understand why it was banned, and make a decision: should the book remain on the banned list? Afterwards, you’ll put your research together and create a poster for your banned book.

5 Banned Book Research! Your poster should include:
The title of your chosen banned book (____/2 pts) To find a book that is often banned in the U.S., I would recommend Googling, “list of banned books.” The American Library Association website ( has a comprehensive list you are welcome to use.  A quick summary of what your book is about (2-3 sentences) (____/5 points) You are welcome to use Wikipedia, Sparknotes, or any other site you can find. Don’t worry – I don’t expect you to have read the book. An explanation as to why your book was banned. (____/5 points) What did people find offensive about the book? (1-2 sentences). Your decision: Do you think the book should remain banned? (____/10 points) If not, why? If so, should it be banned completely, or just in schools/public libraries? Explain your reasoning in at least five sentences. A visual in color to represent the book (____/3 points) If you’re stuck, try Googling “(your book title) cover)” for some ideas.   Total: ____/25 points

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