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Presentation on theme: "ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 The document was drafted by the 2nd Continental Congress in 1777 and ratified by all states in 1781
This was the first constitutional agreement between American States

3 It emphasized a confederate system of government
Confederate—league of independent states Notice the thirteen separate people at the top of the cartoon. Who do they represent?

4 The Articles gave the states the power rather than the national government
There was a unicameral legislature Unicameral—one house of government

5 NO PRESIDENT There was no executive or judicial branch of government To make a law, Congress had to have approval of 9 out of 13 states NO SUPREME COURT

Could not regulate foreign or interstate trade Could not enforce laws Could not collect taxes

This was the plan for surveying and selling land between the Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River A government was established for the Northwest Territory and slavery was banned

8 Population of 60,000 free citizens & you could apply for statehood Five states were carved out of the territory: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin The Northwest Ordinance established the basis for new states to enter the Union New states would be equal to the original thirteen

9 ECONOMIC CHALLENGES A depression hit after the Revolution causing slowed business activity and unemployment Farmers could not pay back money borrowed during the Revolution The farmers were hit especially hard THIS LED TO……

10 SHAYS' REBELLION They traveled the countryside attacking courthouses that were seizing land Massachusetts seized the land of farmers that couldn’t pay off loans Daniel Shays, a farmer, gathered a force of 2,000 men to fight

11 Shays’ Rebellion proved that all was not right with the country and that the Articles of Confederation were too weak Shays tried to attack a warehouse full of rifles and gunpowder but was stopped by the militia Leaders gathered in Philadelphia in May 1787 to discuss ways to improve How do we get better?

12 Remembering problems of The Articles of Confederation
In the Middle Rings cost money Boundary Disputes between States Shake your finger at At someone when angry No way to raise Money Quarrels between the States Weakness of Government “Thumbs down” Pinky is weakest finger Not respected by their country’s states Remembering problems of The Articles of Confederation Shows “fighting” Shay’s Rebellion



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