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13 Independent States State Constitutions that limited power of government Fear of someone having too much power Bicameral – two house legislature Republic-

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2 13 Independent States State Constitutions that limited power of government Fear of someone having too much power Bicameral – two house legislature Republic- citizens rule through elected representatives

3 Strengths Conduct Foreign Affairs Maintain armed forces Borrow money Issue currency Weaknesses Could not regulate trade Could not force citizens to join the army Impose taxes Could not pass a law without 9 states agreeing

4 Ordinance of 1785 Established a procedure for surveying land The Northwest Ordinance Kicked natives off land Population reached 60,000 could apply for statehood Created townships 6 miles long 6 miles wide 36 townships Created 5 new states Michigan Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Illinois

5 Money depreciated – fall in value Cannot collect taxes Robert Morris’s Import Tax 5% tax on imported goods Failed to pass Spain closed the Mississippi River “Stronger Government is needed”

6 Depression – period when economic activity slowed and unemployment increased. Difficult time for farmers – crops lost value Ceased land to pay debts Shay’s Rebellion 1787 - Daniel Shays led 1,000 angry farmers to seize arms and stop the farm sales. /Arsenal.html /Arsenal.html

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