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Struggling over Break I hope everyone enjoyed their break. What is something that you struggled with over the snow days? Was this a major struggle.

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Presentation on theme: "Struggling over Break I hope everyone enjoyed their break. What is something that you struggled with over the snow days? Was this a major struggle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Struggling over Break I hope everyone enjoyed their break. What is something that you struggled with over the snow days? Was this a major struggle or a minor one? If you could take back the time of the snow days would you have done anything different, why or why not?

2 Yo Mama’s Civil War We will do a very simple recap of what we should know about the Civil War Look at the stages that led up to the fight and how things get going An activity to drive home how momentum can shift in battle Brainpopping Civil War

3 Yo Mama Part One America was founded to fix some of the problems found in Europe People in general, loved America when they got here and began to spread out Starting in the original Colonies and moved West Native Americans were already here in the country but eventually they were slowly moved to the less desirable parts Europeans began to bring with them slaves to help utilize the land

4 Yo Mama Part Two People wanting land caused issues to develop
Most of the people who lived in America lived in the North, where they manufactured goods mostly Americans who lived in the south found the climate was better suited for agriculture A great crop that can easily be grown in the south is Tobacco and someone is needed to pick it Later southern farmers realize they can make a lot of money growing cotton

5 Yo Mama Part Three The south was making more money than the north using slave labor The north was initially jealous of the prominence of the south so they began to tax the goods The South was growing stronger and used their power and influence to say they wouldn’t stand for it The election of Lincoln in was the initial threat that the North would change the way of life of southern plantation farmers

6 The Fight Part One The South realized that they had to go to war to stop the way the North was treating them The South shot the first at Fort Sumter which was a Union stronghold that was found in South Carolina After fort Sumter there was a series of battles that moved from the south to the north Ultimately the battles went as far north as Maryland until the Union decided that they were in a must win scenario

7 Tag that’s it . . . The Rules to Mob Momentum Tag:
One person starts the event After that one person tags you, you will start tagging people If you touch anything that is touching the floor you are a part of the mob If the game gets loud at all it will end Does this game get easier or harder as time progresses?

8 The Fight Part Two The Battle of Antietam was a battle where over 23,000 people died in the process This was the bloodiest one day battle of the Civil War Although there was no clear victor, Lee decided to retreat south to Virginia which seemed like defeat Lincoln issued “The Emancipation Proclamation” setting the slaves in slave states would be free after this turning point in the war

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