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Do Now: In your OWN words define the following terms:

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: In your OWN words define the following terms:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: In your OWN words define the following terms:
•Political, Economic, Social Learning Target: I can read and analyze a secondary source in order to determine the cause and effects of the United States Civil War.

2 Response to Do Now: In your own words define the following terms:
Political- matters involving power and governments. (power) Social- matters involving people and their interactions. (people) Economic- matters involving money and trade. (money)

3 Civil War a war between citizens of the same country.

4 Review of the Civil War Discussion

5 The Three Economic and Political Issues That Divided Americans Before the Civil War:
Would industry or agriculture drive the American economy? Would slavery continue to be tolerated in American society? Would a strong federal government or strong state governments form the basis of our political system?

6 Activity Using the secondary sources provided, in cooperative groups identify the major causes of the Civil War in the following categories: Social Political Economic Complete graphic organizer and share findings with class o Economic, differences between north and south lifestyle-457 o Slavery-458 o Formation of the republican party o Lincoln and cessation- 473 o North South geographical differences- 457

7 Share Responses to Research

8 Essential Question Essential Question: What are the basic causes and effects of the United States Civil War?


10 homework Watch the Presidential debate tonight, be prepared to discuss the debate in class tomorrow. Write down 3 interesting statements made by Clinton and Trump

11 Do Now: what were the causes of the civil war?
Learning Target: I can read and analyze a secondary source in order to determine the cause and effects of the United States Civil War. Do Now: what were the causes of the civil war?

12 Civil War a war between citizens of the same country.

13 Civil war America’s bloodiest war, the Civil War ( ) the Union against the Confederate States of America, differences on slavery. Resulted in the death of more than 620,000, millions more injured. Lincoln wins election, is against slavery South secedes from Union


15 Civil war Wartime First shots at Fort Sumter in South Carolina begins the civil war North/ Union had an advantage due to manpower and resources

16 Civil War Wartime Life in the army had a lot of hardships, unsanitary conditions War technology increased significantly, land mines, rifles with scopes, telegraph, and railroad

17 Civil war wartime key events and people
Battle of Bull Run- south shocks the north and wins Battle of Gettysburg- north defeats the south towards the end of the war. Abraham Lincoln- Emancipation Proclamation- freed all slaves in Confederate territory Ulysses S. Grant- general for the North Robert E. Lee- general for the South

18 Activity Using a secondary source, The Effects of the Civil War on America in cooperative groups identify the major effects of the Civil War in the following categories: Social Political Economic Complete graphic organizer and share findings with class

19 Effects of the Civil War

20 Essential Question Homework
What are the basic long term effects of the United States Civil War? Finish copying bullet points into graphic organizer

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