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Enlightened thinkers.

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1 Enlightened thinkers

2 Goal of the Enlightenment
Establish a just society based on reason Most European governments were ruled by absolute monarchies The absolute monarchs claimed their authority to rule came from God and not their subjects (divine right) Many European governments had strong relations with the Catholic Church

3 Thomas Hobbes 1. Wrote Leviathan
2. People are naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish 3. “State of nature”- life is solidary, poor, nasty, and short 4. Introduced the idea of a “social contract”- people give up state of nature for an organized society 5. Absolute monarchy is best government to impose order

4 John Locke 1. People are naturally reasonable and moral
2. Natural rights- rights that belong to all humans from birth (life, liberty, property) 3. Wrote Two Treatises of Government- governments are formed to protect natural rights 4. Best government is a limited government 5. If the government violates natural rights, people have the right to overthrow it

5 Baron de montesquieu 1. Wrote The Spirit of the Laws- governments throughout history and from around the world 2. Admired Britain’s limited monarchy 3. Three branches of government (legislative, executive, judicial) 4. Separation of powers to protect liberty 5. Checks and balances

6 Mary wollstonecraft 1. Women were excluded from the ideas of a social contract 2. Well-known British social critic, wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women 3. Women should decide their own interests, not be dependent on their husbands 4. Equal education for boys and girls 5. Only education will give women the tools to participate in public life

7 Adam Smith 1. Wrote The Wealth of Nations- a British economic essay
2. Free market should regulate business activity (NO government interference) 3. Economic growth is linked to supply and demand 4. Government’s role is to protect society, administer justice, and provide public works 5. His ideas gained influence in the Industrial Revolution and helped shape the economies of the 1800s.

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