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Chapter 3 Preschool Years.

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1 Chapter 3 Preschool Years

2 Verb forms Tense Plural Regularization
Uses regular tense endings correctly Forms an internal rule Overregularizes Learns both regular & irregular & uses both Plural Uses singular correctly Uses irregular correctly Applies rule to all nouns Flexible internal rules, memorizes irregular, uses correctly

3 Categories of thinking
Overextension –for all Underextension – for one only

4 Running commentaries Practicing new language forms
Pleasure through play w/word sounds Exploring vocal capacities Reliving significant events Creating dialogue-fit into social settings Experimenting w/fantasy-creativity Attending objectively to language Facilitating motor behavior

5 Older Preschoolers (4-5)
Social conversation Gaining attention-eye contact, touching, using catch phrases Pausing & listening Correcting himself Maintaining attention by not pausing Taking turns in conversation Friendships

6 Inner speech (unspoken) Conventions of conversation
Group play Verbally suggest play theme Engage in verbal negotiation Compromise Argue Become leader by using right words Inner speech (unspoken) Conventions of conversation

7 Relational words Speech & behavior Impact words
Space, size, time, number Speech & behavior Volume Tone Mimic “bad guy” Echoing, baby talk Silence Friends, meet needs Impact words Name-calling, etc. (pragmatics)

8 Sound words Created words Word meaning Reality & nonsense
Language play (humor=incongruity) Speech & intelligence

9 Common speech patterns
Rhyme Self-chatter Errors Longer, more complex sentences Articulation - omissions & substitutions Transform questions Stutter Metalinguistic awareness Nature as language as an object Puns, metaphors, irony

10 Brain 4-12 3rd critical restructuring – keep or eliminate connections

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