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Legislative Branch Review

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Presentation on theme: "Legislative Branch Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Legislative Branch Review

2 Both Houses of Congress can overturn a veto by a ________ vote.

3 2/3

4 Powers not listed in the Constitution but given by the elastic clause.

5 Implied powers

6 This house gives more power to the more populated states.

7 House of Representatives

8 A senator must be a citizen for ______ years.

9 9

10 What determines a state’s number of representatives?

11 It’s population.

12 A representative must be ______years old.

13 25

14 State in a fraction. _______ of the Senate is elected every years.

15 1/3

16 There are _______ members in the House of Representatives.

17 435

18 The _______________ has been used to “stretch out” the powers of the Congress so that they can make laws about things not directly mentioned in the Constitution.

19 Elastic clause

20 Congress’ powers can be roughly divided into three categories
Congress’ powers can be roughly divided into three categories. What are they?

21 Money Defense Miscellaneous

22 Members of this house live in the state and district they represent.

23 House of Representatives

24 What is the limit on how many times a Congressperson can be re-elected?

25 It is unlimited. As long as they are voted back in.

26 Representatives serve a ______year term.

27 2

28 There are ______ members in the Senate.

29 100

30 Each state has _______members in the Senate.

31 2

32 The Senate is described in Article ___, Section ____ of the Constitution.

33 Article I, Section 3

34 Powers specifically listed in the U.S. Constitution are called:

35 Expressed/enumerated powers

36 Senators serve a ______year term.

37 6

38 The current number of Congress is the ______th.

39 116th

40 A senator must be ______ years old.

41 30

42 The major body or group of the Legislative branch is:

43 Congress

44 All revenue bills must start in the:

45 House of Representatives

46 The major duty of the legislative branch is:

47 Make laws

48 This house gives more power to the smaller or less populated states.

49 Senate

50 Illinois has ____representatives in the House of Representatives and ____ senators in the Senate.

51 18,2

52 If there is an electoral tie, this house has the important job of deciding who will be President.

53 House of Representatives

54 The __________starts the impeachment process and the _________ decides the outcome of the impeachment process.

55 House, Senate

56 The chief officer of the House of Representatives is the:

57 Speaker of the House

58 A new Congress is elected every ______years.

59 2

60 Members of this house live in the state they represent.

61 Senators

62 A representative must be a citizen for _____years.

63 7

64 The chief officer of the Senate is the:

65 Vice President

66 The House of Representatives is described in Article _____, Section ______ of the Constitution.

67 Article I, Section 2

68 Don’t forget to study how a Bill becomes a Law Chart.

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