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Presentation on theme: "QIN & HAN DYNASTY 5-3."— Presentation transcript:


2 QIN DYNASTY Shi Huangdi unified China as its 1st emperor
Rule the Qin, who lived along China’s western edge By 221 B.C., he had extended his rule over most of what is modern-day China

3 QIN DYNASTY Shi Huangdi was a strong and harsh ruler
Built the Great Wall to keep nomads from invading from the north Built roads so armies could travel quickly

4 QIN DYNASTY Shi Huangdi tried to unify the economy Create one currency
Set a common system of weights & measures Improved system of writing Created a law code

5 QIN DYNASTY Shi Huangdi tried to create a common culture
Outlawed Confucianism Burned books Required the people to learn the philosophy of Qin scholars

6 QIN DYNASTY After Shi Huangdi’s death, civil war erupted in China
Qin dynasty lasted only 15 years

7 HAN DYNASTY Liu Bang helped overthrow the Qin dynasty
1st emperor of Han dynasty Born as a peasant Created a stable government Set up civil service based on Confucianism

8 HAN DYNASTY Wudi “Warrior Emperor” came to power in 140 B.C.
Liu Bang’s great grandson Wudi made improvements to the Great Wall & strengthened the army

9 HAN DYNASTY Wudi increased his empire’s size
China’s stability & prosperity continued after Wudi died Han Dynasty ended in 220 A.D. The dynasty lasted 400 years



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