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Byzantine Empire.

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1 Byzantine Empire


3 Middle Ages / Medieval Period
All the empires we have studied to this point have been referred to as ancient civilizations. Mesopotamia Fertile Crescent Egypt India China Greece Rome Ancient history is the study of the written past from the beginning of recorded human history until the Early Middle Ages in Europe. The Middle Ages or Medieval Period began with the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D. and lasts to about 1500.

4 The New Rome 395—Roman Empire split Roman Empire (West) & Byzantine Empire (East) Greeks=most of Byzantine Empire’s population Wealthy families moved to Constantinople when barbarians invaded Rome



7 Constantinople (crossroads of Europe & Asia)
Bosporus & Dardanelles—2 important waterways

8 Emperor Justinian Nicknamed “Emperor who never sleeps”

9 Justinian’s Code Based on Roman laws
Law code: Corpus of Civil Law (Justinian’s Code) Based on Roman laws

10 Theodora Justinian’s wife & advisor Allowed women to own land
532: Nika Revolt Theodora talked him into staying General Belisarius- put down revolt & won back Roman lands

11 Hippodrome- Chariot races (like Rome’s Circus Maximus)


13 Justinian wanted strength of old Roman Empire
By 554— reclaimed Italy, North Africa, & Spain from Germanic tribes Chemical weapon “Greek fire” After Justinian’s death, Germanic tribes reclaimed lands


15 Christian Church Defend Christianity Appoint Church officials
Emperors crowned by Patriarch of Constantinople Defend Christianity Appoint Church officials

16 Icons (religious images)
Iconoclasts believed having icons was idol worship 726: Byzantine Emperor Leo III– destroyed icons 787: Pope in Rome-- heresy not to allow icons (some couldn’t read & icons helped them learn Christianity) Church council threatened iconoclasts with excommunication


18 Pope & Patriarch excommunicated each other
700s: Lombards invaded Italy, Byzantine emperor refused to help Pope Frankish leader helped--Pepin the Short—Pope gives him title “emperor” 1054: SPLIT---WEST (Roman Catholic Church) EAST (Eastern Orthodox Church)

19 Goods from Asia & Europe Silk Road
Trade: Goods from Asia & Europe Silk Road 2 Orthodox monk missionaries brought silkworms from China

20 Art- religious subjects
Icons- displayed saints Mosaics- pieces of tile or glass Religious scholars used art in books Illuminated manuscripts (decorated books)


22 Literature focused on salvation, obedience to God, & preserving Greek & Roman works

23 Architecture 532: Church of Hagia Sophia (meaning “holy wisdom”) in Constantinople

24 860: Cyril created alphabet for Slavic people
Cyril & Methodius-- missionaries 860: Cyril created alphabet for Slavic people Cyrillic Alphabet- used by Russia today


26 AD 1071—Seljuk Turks threaten Constantinople
Byzantine emperor asked Pope to help “defend Christianity” Europeans went to Palestine to fight Muslims-Crusades (holy wars)

27 1204—Venetians looted Constantinople
1453—Ottoman Turks attacked Byzantine emperor killed End of Byzantine Empire

28 The Slavs Dnieper Dniester Volga Steppe- treeless grassland
Taiga- thick forests Long, cold winters 3 major rivers Dnieper Dniester Volga All flow North to South


30 The Eastern Slavs Setting and People
3 major ethnic groups lived in the area north of the Black Sea 1.) Western Slavs Poles, Czechs, Slovaks Close ties to Roman Catholic Church and Western Europe 2.) Southern Slavs Serbs, Croats, Slovenes Located on the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula Lots of contact with the Byzantines 3.) Eastern Slavs Largest group Ukranians, Russians, Belarussians Lived between the Dnieper and Dniester Rivers

31 Kievan Rus 800s AD- Vikings from Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark, Sweden) settled town of Novgorod Vikings=Ruotsi=Rus=Russia Kiev (major trading village) Kiev grew into group of principalities called Kievan Rus




35 Principalities ruled by princes
Grand Prince—like emperor Princes—paid tribute to GP Boyars—landowners Artisans & merchants Peasants



38 Built churches, created 1st law code
988 AD—Grand Prince Vladimir I adopted Christianity & Cyrillic Alphabet Yaroslav the Wise ( ) 1st library of Kiev Built churches, created 1st law code



41 1240—Mongols invaded 1240—Alexander “Nevsky” defeated Swedes at Neva River 1380—Mucovites (people of Moscow) defeated Mongols at Battle of Kulikovo

42 1493—Ivan III ruler of Moscow refused to pay Mongol taxes, made himself sovereign of all Russia— “Ivan the Great” Orthodox Church called Russia the “3rd Rome”


44 Ivan IV “the terrible” Paranoid- mentally unstable Killed his own son Massacre at Novgorod Took title czar “Caesar”

45 http://www. uoregon. edu/~alayne/Images/st-basil-cathedral-exterior


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