Journal Entry #85 Title: Bottled Emotions

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1 Journal Entry #85 Title: Bottled Emotions
You need to buy at least three bottles of emotions. Which three bottles do you need at this moment? Which would you buy and why? Explain your answers. You have 7 minutes to write your answer to the question. Be ready to share. As always, format matters, write in complete sentences, and use correct punctuation. FOR SALE: happiness, sadness, joy, anger, fear, excitement, surprise, love, hate, anxiousness, and so many more!

2 Tuesday: © Presto Plans

3 Tuesday: ?: A question was asked, so a question mark is required.
Today,: Commas separate introductory elements from the rest of the sentence. clothes and washed: A comma is only required before a conjunction (and) when there are two complete sentences on either side. then: Then is mainly an adverb, often used to situate actions in time. Than is a conjunction used in comparisons. expensive, antique: Commas separate two adjectives directly beside each other. vase, and: Commas are used to separate two sentences with a conjunction (and). off, I dropped: Commas are used to set off introductory elements. friend’s: An apostrophe is required as it shows possession. bed,…sleep, and accept: Comas are used to separate items in series. accept / write-off: Accept and write-off were both misspelled. © Presto Plans

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