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11-12 September 2007 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia S.Kimura/IEEJ

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1 11-12 September 2007 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia S.Kimura/IEEJ
Session 5 Way Forward 11-12 September 2007 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia S.Kimura/IEEJ

2 Contents Drawing-up of Policy Recommendations Task to the 3rd Meeting
Discussion at the 3rd Meeting The Research Report of this Working Group Date and Place for Next Meeting

3 Drawing-up of Policy Recommendations
Based on the two scenarios, RS and APS, several recommendations to ECTF and EMM could be formulated through discussion at the 3rd meeting. For example: Need for more aggressive energy saving goals to increase energy saving amount. Need for more feasible action plans to guarantee accomplishment of the current energy saving goals. Diffusion of energy efficiency technologies used in energy intensive industries is a practical action plan. Adoption of best practices methodology is an effective action plan for energy saving in transport and residential & commercial sectors. Application of new technologies for coal & gas fired power generation plants is essential for improving their thermal efficiency. Use of bio-fuel is a good option in reducing greenhouse gas emission in transport sector. etc

4 Tasks to the 3rd Meeting Members of the Working Group IEEJ
Finalize the modeling assumptions used by IEEJ Examine IEEJ’s 2nd energy outlook projections (RS and APS) and feedback comments to IEEJ IEEJ Finalize the energy outlook projections (RS and APS) based on the comments from the members of the working group

5 Issues at The 3rd Meeting
Circulate to the participants IEEJ’s final energy outlook projections (RS and APS) Discuss energy policy recommendations from the projections Discuss contents of the progress report to 6th ECTF to be held just before EAS3. One content should be the above-mentioned recommendations Confirm work schedule to the end of March 2008 Discuss research activities of our working group, which will be implemented in 2008

6 The Research Report of this Working Group
The research report of this working group should be submitted to ERIA by the end of March 2008. Executive summary: All Background, purpose and research content Methodology Results of RS and APS Recommendations 1. Methodological Framework: IEEJ Model concept Model structure Formulation of energy demand function

7 The Research Report of this Working Group
2. Model Assumptions: IEEJ GDP, Population and Oil Price Energy saving goals 3. Energy Saving Impact in East Asia: IEEJ FEC in RS and APS by sector Fuel consumption in power generation of RS and APS PES in RS and APS by energy Impact by energy saving goals 4. Policy Recommendations: All 5. Country Report: Members 5pages / country Macro economic assumptions Energy saving impact Policy recommendations

8 Date and Place for Next Meeting
Date: 7-8 November Place: Singapore Reason: The ERIA symposium will be held on 6 November in Singapore

9 Thank You

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