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Perspectives in Psychology

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1 Perspectives in Psychology


3 Perspectives in Psychology
Location on the Hand Meaning 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 Perspective in Psychology
Location on the Hand Meaning Psychoanalytic Cognitive Learning Humanistic Biological Sociocultural

5 Psychoanalytic Perspective

6 One more time…Perspective in Psychology
Location on the Hand Meaning Psychoanalytic Thumb “Looking Back”  study the person’s past Cognitive Learning Humanistic Biological Sociocultural

7 Cognitive Perspective
Psychoanalytic Perspective

8 One more time…Perspective in Psychology
Location on the Hand Meaning Psychoanalytic Thumb “Looking Back”  study the person’s past Cognitive Pointer finger Interested in all cognitive processes (ex: decision-making) Learning Humanistic Biological Sociocultural

9 Cognitive Perspective
Learning Perspective Cognitive Perspective Psychoanalytic Perspective

10 One more time…Perspective in Psychology
Location on the Hand Meaning Psychoanalytic Thumb “Looking Back”  study the person’s past Cognitive Pointer finger Interested in all cognitive processes (ex: decision-making) Learning Middle Finger We learn through others and their modeling (punishment vs. reinforcement) Humanistic Biological Sociocultural

11 Cognitive Perspective
Humanistic Perspective Learning Perspective Cognitive Perspective Psychoanalytic Perspective

12 One more time…Perspective in Psychology
Location on the Hand Meaning Psychoanalytic Thumb “Looking Back”  study the person’s past Cognitive Pointer finger Interested in all cognitive processes (ex: decision-making) Learning Middle Finger We learn through others and their modeling (punishment vs. reinforcement) Humanistic Ring Finger We can all reach are full potential, but we often need help from others. Biological Sociocultural

13 Cognitive Perspective
Biological Perspective Humanistic Perspective Learning Perspective Cognitive Perspective Psychoanalytic Perspective

14 One more time…Perspective in Psychology
Location on the Hand Meaning Psychoanalytic Thumb “Looking Back”  study the person’s past Pointer finger Interested in all cognitive processes (ex: decision-making) Learning Middle Finger We learn through others and their modeling (punishment vs. reinforcement) Humanistic Ring Finger We can all reach are full potential, but we often need help from others. Biological Pinky Brain our knowledge of all the brain’s functions is small Sociocultural

15 Cognitive Perspective
Biological Perspective Humanistic Perspective Learning Perspective Sociocultural Perspective Cognitive Perspective Psychoanalytic Perspective

16 Perspectives in Psychology
Location on the Hand Meaning Psychoanalytic Thumb “Looking Back”  study the person’s past Cognitive Pointer finger Interested in all cognitive processes (ex: decision-making) Learning Middle Finger We learn through others and their modeling (punishment vs. reinforcement) Humanistic Ring Finger We can all reach our full potential, but we often need help from others. Biological Pinky Brain our knowledge of all the brain’s functions is small Sociocultural Palm of the hand Embrace differences, must look at a patient’s culture

17 Why Billy behaved that way
Perspective Why Billy behaved that way Psychoanalytic Cognitive Learning Humanistic Biological Sociocultural

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