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Democracy on the Move.

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Presentation on theme: "Democracy on the Move."— Presentation transcript:

1 Democracy on the Move

2 British Reform Bill of 1832 Allows wealthy middle class men to vote in parliamentary elections Small percentage Gives cities more representation

3 2nd Reform Act of 1867 Conservatives extend vote to middle class and well paid laborers Led by Conservative PM Benjamin Disraeli

4 Chartist Movement British people demand annual elections and suffrage for all men Also demand secret ballot, end to property requirements, salaries for parliament Granted in 1884

5 The People’s Budget Liberal Platform of PM David Lloyd George
Provides benefits to all at expense of wealthy Social Security, unemployment, health insurance

6 Women’s Suffrage in Britain
Movement builds demanding the vote for women Eventually becomes militant Led by Emmaline Pankhurst

7 Home Rule for Ireland “The Irish Question”- 1870-1914
PM Gladstone supports home rule, but defeated in Parliament Divided between Catholic South & Protestant North (Ulster) Catholic rights restored in 1829 Potato Famine (1840s) kills over a million Irish Many emigrate to the US Irish begin to demand self-government Irish Nationalists rebel 1916, “Easter Rising” Irish Republican Army (IRA) attacks the British Army Home rule for South in 1921, independence in 1949

8 Self-Rule for Canada Canada divided between French & English speaking peoples Durham report advises uniting Upper & Lower Canada Canada made into a Dominion Self-government for domestic affairs, but still part of British Empire

9 Australia & New Zealand
Australia started as a penal colony to relieve crowded British prisons Both are given self-rule

10 The French Third Republic 1871
French try again to create a functioning republic Following the put down of the Paris Commune by Adolphe Thiers (Kills 30,000 Parisians) Declared after Thiers orders break up of Paris National Guard Provinces Vs Paris Sever state connections to the Catholic Church Most power to Parliament, little to President Universal male suffrage

11 The Dreyfus Affair 1894 Jewish army officer, Alfred Dreyfus, is falsely accused of selling military secrets to Germany Supported by Emile Zola, J’Accuse Evidence is faked and he is jailed Exposes wide anti-semitism (anti-Jewish sentiment) In the army, Catholic church, among conservatives Dreyfus supported by liberals, radicals, socialists These groups bonded in support of democratic institutions to protect from corrupt, conservative government

12 Rise of Zionism Movement led by Austrian Theodor Herzl
Aim to create a Jewish national homeland in Palestine

13 Austria-Hungary Form the “Dual Monarchy” following Austro-Prussian War 1866 Emperor Franz Josef made King of Hungary Common foreign policy, army, and monarch Separate parliaments that occasionally meet

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