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Computer Basics Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Basics Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Basics Applications

2 Applications An application is another word for a program running on the computer. Whether or not it is a good application depends on how well it performs the tasks it is designed to do and how easy it is for the user to use. That involves the user interface—the way the user tells the software what to do and how the computer displays information and options to the user.

3 Graphical Interface A graphical user interface (GUI—sometimes pronounced GOO-ee) uses pictures to make it easier for the user. It is more user friendly.

4 Applications: Word Processing
Word processing is the most used computer application! Purpose: to produce documents Main advantage: can easily change what has been done. Can reuse existing documents as a template.

5 Applications: Word Processing
Steps to produce a document Create Edit Format Print Save (often!!)

6 Applications: Word Processing
Font size Typeface arial times new roman comic sans Margins left right top bottom Line spacing SS DS TS QS

7 Applications: Desktop Publishing
Desktop publishing does on the computer what used to be done with scissors and glue and other non-computer methods—put together texts and graphics for printing such as a magazine or newspaper.

8 Applications: Desktop Publishing
Purpose: to prepare documents with graphics with precise control of the layout Major Advantages: ability to place text and graphics precisely on page. Ability to chain sections together like newspapers columns. Advanced tools for professional work. MS Publisher

9 Applications: Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet is the application of choice for most documents that organize numbers, like budgets, financial statements, grade sheets, and sales records. A spreadsheet can perform simple or complex calculations on the numbers you enter in rows and columns.

10 Applications: Database
A database is a collection of data that you want to manage, rearrange, and add to later. It is a good program to use to manage lists, sorts the data by name or city or postal code, create forms to enter or create reports that show just the data you are interested in.

11 Applications: Database
Purpose: Manage data Major Advantages: Can change way data is sorted and displayed

12 Applications: Presentation
A presentation program, also known as presentation graphics, links together a sequence of slides containing text and graphics. A slide show might be used for a sales presentation or for training or to enhance any kind of speech.

13 Applications: Presentations
Purpose: Turning information into visual form Major Advantages: Pictures convey info faster than tables of numbers. Having something to look at helps keep your audience focused on what your are saying.

14 Applications: Integrated Software
Integrated software combines the functions of several programs into one interface. Such a program is usually designed for the beginning or casual user.

15 Applications: Integrated Software
Purpose: Linking different applications together for better work. Simplifying things for new users. Major Advantage: Cost less than a set of similar stand alone applications bought separately. Major Disadvantage: (integrated software) Lacks many features of the stand-alone versions of the same software.

16 Printing When a document is finished, it may be printed onto paper
Features/Terms: Choose Number of copies/pages to print Choose orientation: Portrait (8 ½ x 11) Landscape (11 x 8 ½) Print Preview Shows you how it will look in print

17 Computers 4 types of computers Personal Server Super Main frame

18 Computers Personal Typical PC includes a system unit, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Most PCs today also have a network or Internet connection, as well as ports for connecting peripheral devices, such as digital cameras, printers, scanners, speakers, external hard drives, and other components.

19 Computers Server As the name implies, a server serves information to computers that connect to it. When users connect to a server, they can access programs, files, and other information from the server. They are called Networks.

20 Computers Super It is the largest, fastest, most expensive type of computer. Supercomputers have various applications, such as performing complex scientific calculations, modeling simulations, and rendering large amounts of 3D graphics. They may also be built to simply showcase the leading edge of computing technology.

21 Computers Main frame Main frames are powerful computers used mainly by large organizations for critical applications, typically bulk data processing such as census, industry and consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning, and financial transaction processing. (main frame computers) and the smallest single-users systems (microcomputers or personal computers.

22 What is the Information Processing Cycle?
Input Processing Output Storage

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