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How did the Civil War End the Monarchy?

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Presentation on theme: "How did the Civil War End the Monarchy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the Civil War End the Monarchy?

2 Civil War Begins 1642 Charles I went to the city of Nottingham to raise the flag and rally his followers The Queen took the crown jewels to sell to raise money

3 Charles I Supporters Called Royalists or Cavaliers
Came from Nobel families Used to fighting and riding Provided foot soldiers and cavalry

4 Parliament Supporters
Troops were local militia Farmers and townspeople with almost no military experience

5 Parliament Held An Advantage
Controlled the Navy Parliament held the richest part of the country- the south including London Parliament’s forces and money would outlast Charles I in a long war

6 Parliaments New Model Army
New soldiers called Roundheads Hair cut short while Cavaliers had long curls Highly disciplined Usually very religious Well equipped Could be promoted based on ability rather than class and wealth Led by Oliver Cromwell

7 End of the Civil War Royalist defeated at the Battle of Naseby June Charles was forced to flee to Scotland where he was made prisoner and handed over to parliament

8 Women in the War stayed home to manage the estate while husbands went off to fight attempted to support their families while homes ravaged by war traveled with armies to support their husbands and the cause Over 100 killed by the New Model Army at the Battle of Naseby

9 The Rump Parliament Parliament was divided on what to do with Charles
1648 Puritans drove Charles I sympathizers out of parliament The new Rump Parliament charged the King with Treason

10 The Charge of Treason Charles I betrayed the national religion and allied with a foreign nation against his own people signed an agreement with the Scots that he would support Presbyterianism in England in exchange for military aid against parliament

11 January 1649 he was led to the scaffold and beheaded
Charles I’s Execution January he was led to the scaffold and beheaded

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