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T4: The System Dehumanizes People

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1 T4: The System Dehumanizes People

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3 Identity Based on External Qualities
PHYSICAL APPERANCE: Have the perfect body POPULARITY: Know the right people. Part of the “right” groups POWER: Who or what must I influence or control? PLEASURE: Have what you want, when you want, because it feels good PERFORMANCE: Excel for attention and praise PRESTIGE: How recognized or respected you are POSSESIONS: Wear the right clothes and drive the right car to impress others

4 Identity Based on Internal Qualities of Love
CHARACTER: Know who you are as a whole person COURAGE: Stand up for what is right and what you believe COMPASSION: Concerns for others as well as self COMMITMENT: Stand by friends through adversity CONSISTENCY: Live life without hypocrisy. Support words with actions CREATIVITY: Celebrate individuality and use talents to benefit the wider community CHARITY: Love life and others, as well as yourself

5 DIGNITY Story Review Define the Problem
Indicate your possible choices or options Group consequences as positive or negative Note, is it legal? healthy? safe? respectful? in line with family values? Identify the best option Talk to a trusted adult & then Take action You evaluate the decision

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