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Welcome to Aquatic Science

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1 Welcome to Aquatic Science
Mr. T Your mom 5/4/2019 Mr. T - Biology

2 Classroom Rules RESPECT! All students are required to show everyone in my classroom respect at all times. PREPARED! Come to class prepared, I am not a bookstore or your mom. NO TALKING WHEN SOMEONE ELSE IS TALKING! You won’t like it when it happens to you, so don’t do it to others. 5/4/2019 Mr. T - Biology

3 Grading Class work counts for 50% of your grade as per Baltimore County guidelines. Homework counts for 20% of your grade and is important as we meet every other day. Test/Quizzes/Projects count as 25% of your grade. Many students fail because they do not take unit exams and short cycle quizzes seriously. Drill counts for 5% of your grade. Missed Work students will have same number of days to make up work as they were absent. Missed homework can be made up for partial credit up to date the assessment for unit is given. 5/4/2019 Mr. T - Biology

4 Attendance Students are expected to follow BCPS attendance policy
Three unexcused absences may result in a failing grade for the quarter Five absences, excused or not, may result in a failing grade for class work First three lateness's counts as one absence, then every two 15 minutes late to class or more than 10 minutes out to restroom counts as truancy 5/4/2019 Mr. T - Biology

5 Consequences First offense = warning Second offense = call home
Third offense = call home and detention More serious offense or repeated offense will result in office referral Positive student behavior can earn “R- Bucks” RESPECT, RESPECT, RESPECT!! 5/4/2019 Mr. T - Biology

6 HELP Coach Class I am available most days after school for academic help. Open Door Policy I may be able to help with problems between students, staff, or other. I am required by law to report abuse. Contact Students or Parents may contact me in person, by phone, , or leave a note in my mailbox. 5/4/2019 Mr. T - Biology

7 Units of Study Water Unit Freshwater Eco Saltwater Eco Estuary Eco
Classification Human Impact 5/4/2019 Mr. T - Biology

8 Question and Answer Any Questions?
5/4/2019 Mr. T - Biology

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