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Modern China must be seen in terms of its past

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Presentation on theme: "Modern China must be seen in terms of its past"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern China must be seen in terms of its past

2 China China is an ancient land with evidence of habituation going back 200,000 years

3 China Civilization arose in China almost 7,000 years ago along the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. These early settlements were made by diverse peoples.

4 China Three historical facts that have influenced China:
Never a homogenous country Confucianism Need for a strong central authority to function as a unified country

5 China Geography has been a constant influence in China’s history:
Mountains and deserts to the North and west influence has been to south and east into Annam or modern Indochina and the China sea.

6 China There are three general periods of Chinese History:
Pre Dynastic period Dynastic period(Classical period) Modern Period

7 China Pre dynastic period: 5000BCE - 1700BCE No central authority
Various states

8 CHINA Six dynasties that are of major importance: Shang 1700-1027BCE
Zhou BCE Qin BCE Ming Quing

9 China Dynastic period: Shang 1700-1027BCE Zhou 1027BCE-771BCE
-First logographic writing Zhou 1027BCE-771BCE Confucianism Deism Qin BCE Unification Han 206BCE – 220CE -Wu Di’s reforms China’s renaissance begins Ming CE Quing CE Last Dynasty

10 China The Twentieth Century Period:
The republic forms under Sun Yet Sun. Republican party KMT fails to unify the country Succumbs to corruption Local Warlords Dominate

11 China The Japan War unifies KMT and the Communist (CCP) led by Mao Tse Tung. 1945 KMT turns on CCP and is defeated 1950

12 China China under Mao and the CCP:
Great leap forward; an attempt to changes China’s neo Confucianism culture led to the greatest famine of all time. Counter revolution reversed course and China began to pull itself economically forward

13 China Modern China’s Major problems:
Ideology: Is it Capitalist or Communist? Will Central Authority Hold? Income Gap; Average worker earns $ per year Rural poverty is intense

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