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CHINA’S ROAD TO COMMUNISM A Preview Modern World History.

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1 CHINA’S ROAD TO COMMUNISM A Preview Modern World History

2 1600’s - 1912 Manchus (people of Manchuria – NE China) invaded China & seized power from the Ming Dynasty They took a Chinese name for their dynasty – Qing Dynasty

3 The Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager Cixi presented China with a weak central authority She died in 1908 Puyi, at age two, was appointed the successor Puyi became the last emperor of China Dynasty will fall 1912

4 Sun Yixian(Yatsen) Sun Yatsen led the Nationalist Party (also called Kuomintang) The Nationalists wanted to modernize and democratize China

5 Goals of the Nationalists Rid China of foreign influence Set up a democracy Improve life for all Chinese

6 1912-1916 Sun lacked authority & military support. He turned over the presidency to Yuan Shikai, a powerful general. Yuan betrayed the democratic ideals of Sun and became a dictator. Yuan died in 1916; military generals took control. Violence and peasant hardship continued in China.

7 AFTER WWI – The Nationalists Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) joins Sun and the Nationalist Party. Promoted economic development: built schools and roads Did little to improve living standards of the peasants

8 1925 – Sun Yatsen died Funeral ProcessionSun Yatsen Tribute Tiananmen Square

9 Nationalists Take Control 1925 Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist army defeated the warlords (military generals) and took control of China.

10 Communists Organize Peasants revolted (sound familiar?) Communist Party [ Mao Zedong –son of peasants] and Red Army made first attempt to take over Nationalist Party – they failed.

11 Nationalists vs. Communists Chiang Kai-shek began a series of military campaigns to crush the Communists. “ Extermination Campaign ” killed 6,000 suspected Communists in 3 days.

12 Communists Surrounded 1934 Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist Army surround Mao and the Red Army.

13 THE LONG MARCH Mao and the Red Army retreated and began the Long March – one of greatest escapes in history.

14 The Long March Retreated to North Central China to escape the Nationalists 100,000 men, women and children 6,000 mile journey lasting 1 year Crossed 18 mountain ranges, dozens of rivers, and swamps Fought hunger and diseases while fighting off the Nationalists Approximately one-fifth of the marchers survived

15 World War II WWII – Japan invaded China. Mao and Chiang became uneasy allies against the Japanese (a common enemy). “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

16 World War II Ends WWII ended (1945) “Civil war” between Chiang (Nationalists) and Mao (Communists) resumed. SHAZAM!

17 Conditions in China Worsen China’s poverty worsened as a result of WWII. Many Chinese blamed bad conditions on Chiang and the Nationalists. Lacking popular support and weakened by corruption, the Nationalist Party collapsed. Chiang and the Nationalist government flee to off-shore island of Taiwan.

18 The People’s Republic of China October 1 st, 1949 Mao Zedong, Chairman of China’s Communist Party proclaims the new People’s Republic of China.

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