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Reading Standards Vocabulary

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1 Reading Standards Vocabulary

2 Allusion An allusion is a textual reference to another literary, political, mythological, or religious text or event.

3 Author’s Choice Author’s choice are the intentional decisions by an author that impact meaning, style, development, formatting, conventions, and/or plot progression

4 Central Idea The central idea is not the same as a main idea or topic. A central idea is the focus of sections of a text or the whole text.

5 Connotation vs. Denotation
Connotation is the emotional value of the word. Denotation is the dictionary definition of the word.

6 Delineate Delineate means to delineate means to describe in detail.

7 Development Development in a text is how the ideas grow from the beginning to the end of the text.

8 Evidence Evidence in a text are the quotes or references to a passage that support claims or statements.

9 Mood Mood is the feeling that the writer creates for the reader through imagery (words that create mental pictures) and diction (word choices). It is not the same as tone.

10 Point of View Point of view is the position conveyed by the narrator, speaker, or character in a narrative text. The narrative point of view can be labeled as first- or third-person.

11 Perspective Perspective is the position of the author on the subject of the text.

12 Text Structures Text structure is the organizational patterns found in various text types (e.g., argumentative texts may have a compare/contrast structure, informational/expository texts may have a sequence or problem/solution structure, and narrative texts may have a chronological or dramatic structure).

13 Theme Theme is the overarching message, abstract idea, or universal truth that emerges from a literary text’s treatment of the subject matter. The theme is always expressed as a complete thought with original and universal language.

14 Tone Tone is the author’s attitude toward the subject.

15 Dramatic Irony (8th grade)
Dramatic irony is the tension created by the contrast between what a character says or thinks and what the audience knows to be true; as a result, some words and actions take on different meaning for the audience than for the characters.

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