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Building A National Identity.

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1 Building A National Identity

2 Chapter 10 Section 1

3 In the early 1800’s, the United States is starting to grow into it’s own.
We had defeated England in the War of more feelings of patriotism!!

4 4 JAMES MONROE – 5th president of the United States, won the 1816 election JAMES MONROE

5 “Era of Good Feelings” Republican candidate James Monroe beats Rufus King, the Federalist candidate. Federalist party will begin to lose power then disappear! A sense of national unity and overall progress for the country will earn Monroe 2 terms!

6 1 NATIONALISM – is a feeling of pride, loyalty and protectiveness as a country

7 2 HENRY CLAY – congressman from Kentucky, strong supporter of nationalism           HENRY CLAY

8 3 AMERICAN SYSTEM – a plan presented to make the United States self-sufficient

9 The American System plan had 3 major parts:

10 3 1. Establish a protective tariff – tax on imported goods to make American products easier to buy

11 How will it impact the U.S.?
Open to page 342 and study the example! British were dumping their goods here and our own merchants couldn’t compete. The tariff will help the U.S. merchants by providing more costumers! Dumping-selling goods in another country below market prices.

12 2. Continue the national bank – (Thus, the Second Bank of the U.S)
3 2. Continue the national bank – (Thus, the Second Bank of the U.S)

13 How will it impact the U.S.?
State banks were issuing too much money and too many loans. Federal bank would make this more consistent and fair!

14 3 3. Improve the country’s transportation system – build more roads, canals

15 How will it impact the U.S.?
Improve movement of goods, people and ideas!

16 Impact for the U.S.? Supreme Court Rulings
All 3 cases strengthened the power of the National government over the States!

17 McCulloch v. Maryland Maryland wants to tax its branch of national bank. If tax was allowed states would have power over government. The Federal Government said “NO WAY”

18 Gibbons v. Ogden Two steamboat operators fought over rights to the Hudson River in NY and NJ. The Federal Court said the government would regulate commerce instead of state governments.

19 United States flag in 1820 THE OR IS IT? END

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