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Student: Artem Zhykharev Institute of Air Navigation.

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1 Student: Artem Zhykharev Institute of Air Navigation

2 In recent years, air traffic flow density is continuously growing very fast. Thats why, in the future, it will be complicated to provide qualitative air traffic control (ATC) for each aircraft. For this reason, an analysis is conducted about air traffic flow density. One of the best ways to conduct this analysis is to perform air traffic flow selection

3 to identify the busiest air traffic flows represent how air traffic actually flows by across the airspace to find the busiest airspace volumes which have a great influence on ATC and on safety of aviation in general gives information about the most efficient routes can help to enhance airspace design can give statistical data of the number of flights

4 The air traffic flow selection can be produced with the help of the tool: System for traffic Assignment & Analysis at Macroscopic level (SAAM tool). ). The main function of such tool is to improve airspace and sector capacity. The SAAM tool uses the.so6 files which contain flight plan data and radar data of all air traffic flows. This data is provided by the Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU). SAAM Tool SAAM Tool CFMU.so6 files Radar

5 SO6 file construction

6 The air traffic selection makes use of airspace gates in the SAAM tool. The airspace gate is useful for air traffic count in the corresponding airspace. EDDF air traffic EHAM air traffic

7 Creation of airspace gates Description table Description table The name of a gate The direction of a gate The gate division by FL EG1From UK to MUAC Airspace 000> 245> 335> 345> 355> 365> 999> From the ground to FL245 From the FL 245 to FL335 From the FL 335 to FL345 From the FL 345 to FL355 From the FL 355 to FL365 From the FL 365 to infinity EG2 EK1From Denmark to MUAC Airspace EK2 ED1From Germany to MUAC Airspace ED2 ED3 LF1From France to MUAC Airspace LF2 LF3


9 The workload taking into account the FL

10 The entry/exit gatesAirports EK1_245_335 Schiphol airport EG1_335_345 London airports: Heathrow; Gatwick; Luton; Stansted; London city. ED2_245_335 ED3_245_335Frankfurt airport LF1_245_335 Paris airports: Charles De Gaulle; Orly ; Le Bourget.

11 For traffic arrives to Frankfurt airport: from the west (USA); from the London airports; from the west (Scotland, Iceland, Canada); from the north (Denmark, Sweden) from Schiphol Airport; from the Paris airports; For traffic departures from Frankfurt airport: to London airports; to Schiphol Airport; to the west (Scotland, Iceland, Canada); to Paris airports.

12 For traffic arrives to Schiphol airport: From the central and southern Europe (Switzerland, Italy); From the Paris airports; From the Nordic European countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway); From Germany (Frankfurt, Munich); From Eastern Europe; For traffic departures from Schiphol airport: To Frankfurt; To France; To the east; To the Nordic European countries (Denmark, Sweden).


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