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The war is over. So now what??

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Presentation on theme: "The war is over. So now what??"— Presentation transcript:

1 The war is over. So now what??

2 State of the world 10 million dead
Flu epidemic in Kills 20 million Infrastructures shattered Governmental collapses *****Revenge against those responsible is strongly desired!!!!

3 Paris Peace Conference
The Big Three and what they want: Woodrow Wilson: 14 Points David Lloyd George(England): Punish Germany Georges Clemenceau(France): Weaken Germany

4 Conference Agenda Secret land alliances established during war
Self-determination League of Nations- Wilson’s baby

5 The Treaty of Versailles
Germany was blamed for the war Germany must pay Reparations German military very limited Alsace and Lorraine back to France Germany loses overseas colonies

6 Self-Determination The new countries established and protected by Versailles: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia ***Only applies to European countries. Colonized people felt betrayed

7 Bitter Countries/ People
Italy- don’t receive promised lands Russia- excluded from peace talks. They lose more land than Germany. Wilson- 40 nations join the League of Nations, but U.S. senate won’t approve U.S. entry.

8 Why the League was Denied??
Some opposed commitment to the League and it would weaken our independence Henry Cabot Lodge led the “reservationists”—wanted to limit our role in the League(maintain the Monroe Doctrine).

9 Wilson’s Determination
Toured the country for grass roots support Suffered a stroke and became an invalid for the rest of his term Treaty of Versailles was never ratified by the U.S. Senate, but war officially over in 1921

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