Definition A force is a push or pull on an object.

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Presentation on theme: "Definition A force is a push or pull on an object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definition A force is a push or pull on an object.
It’s an influence that can cause an object to be accelerated Measured in N (Newtons)

2 Types of Forces List as many types of forces you can:

3 Normal Force What are the forces acting on you right now?
Are you at equilibrium? How do you know? Normal Force is the upward force that ensures you don’t fall through the floor.

4 How we draw Force Vectors
Something that has both magnitude (how much) and direction (which way) Shown as an arrow Length is magnitude Point is direction Examples: 10N 5N

5 Free Body Diagrams A free body diagram is a way of showing all the forces acting on an object at the same time using vectors. Example: 10N 5N

6 Net Force Net force is the overall force acting on an object Examples:

7 Equilibrium Equilibrium is when the net force on something is ZERO.
List objects in this room that are at equilibrium:

8 Equilibrium in Motion Equilibrium is when ∑ F = 0
This could be when an object is at rest, or in constant motion that isn’t changing. Example:

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