WG POMESA Brussels, 30 January 2017

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1 WG POMESA Brussels, 30 January 2017
blue economy WG POMESA Brussels, 30 January 2017

2 > 5 million jobs shipping shipbuilding non-living resources
renewable energy non-living resources coastal tourism living resources

3 Eurostat structural business statistics and
indirect employment Eurostat structural business statistics and supply and use tables employment in enterprises providing goods and services to primary activities in each Member State The main difference with theirs is our estimate of "indirect employment" These are enterprises that are not full maritime but that provide goods and services to the maritime industry For instance insurance, legal services, marine equipment, We can use input-output or supply-and-use tables These tell us what one company buys from another

4 strategy for growth focus areas enablers blue energy aquaculture
coastal tourism biotechnology deep-sea mining enablers data planning investment security sea-basin cooperation skills

5 Offshore wind

6 need environment focus areas ocean energy reliability
public incentives standards more flexible EU funding environment big issue for tidal range delays tidal stream and wave projects need evidence base

7 growth need environment long-term focus areas aquaculture revenue
global 8% a year EU zero need move further offshore share with wind turbines environment complex permitting long-term Can ocean provide more than 2% of global food? finfish shellfish freshwater revenue UK other EU countries

8 growth need focus: environment focus areas coastal tourism steady
higher wages less seasonality focus: nautical tourism cruise tourism cultural heritage environment transport 15% land 22% population 45% tourist-nights tourist spending

9 focus areas biotechnology status EU research focus
7 marine compounds approved high risk, high reward research publicly funded EU research FP7 28 projects €164m H projects €26m focus sharing data implementing Nagoya technology transfer

10 focus areas seabed mining need focus secure source of supplies
preservation fragile ecosystems competitive EU industry focus €27 million research on impact support to international seabed authority support to developing countries

11 enablers marine data focus environment needs 150 partners data access
data products environment reduces monitoring cost needs better link with fisheries and industry integrated observation

12 enablers spatial planning status environment needs legal obligation
reduces cost for renewables environment provides overall view needs data cooperation crystal ball

13 enablers investment NER300 needs EIB instruments Innoenergy
investment and incentives instruments Juncker Fund SME instrument COSME ERFDF Horizon2020 Innovfin etc environment regulation (eg. shipping emissions focus investment platforms NER300 EIB Innoenergy

14 needs environment focus enablers security cooperation
deter illegal fishing focus civil-military cooperation EU agency cooperation information sharing

15 enablers seabasin focus environment people facilitating investment
Adriatic and Ionian Sea, Arctic, Atlantic Ocean Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean, North Sea environment bringing non-EU partners on board people voice to indigenous people facilitating investment North Sea grid Adriatic-Ionian pipeline seabed mapping

16 needs focus enablers skills lifelong learning blueprint (Erasmus+)
blue careers Knowledge Innovation Communities

17 that’s it

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