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Zambia’s roadmap towards 47% emissions reduction

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1 Zambia’s roadmap towards 47% emissions reduction
Harriet Zulu Acting Assistant Director - Department of Energy Ministry of Energy Photo credit: Hilton Garden Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

2 Back ground Zambia’s low-carbon resilient pathway thus far
Ratified the Paris Agreement Submitted INDC before COP21 alongside all African countries* Submitted NDC Amendment to the Constitution of Zambia in 2016 “The State shall … establish and implement mechanisms that address climate change.” The Government of the Republic of Zambia ratified the Paris Agreement that seek to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above preindustrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above preindustrial levels *With the exception of Libya In addition, Zambia has submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) The NDC is considered as a policy document which has an overall objective of putting the country on a Low carbon climate resilient pathway and also aimed at assisting the country to contribute towards the achievement of the global temperature goal. Access to renewable energy and energy efficient measures are key components of Zambia’s Nationally Determined Contribution, NDC. Photo credit: Hilton Garden Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

3 Programme areas and goals of Zambia’s NDC
ADAPTATION Strategic productive systems Infrastructure and health Capacity building, research, technology, finance MITIGATION Forest management Agriculture Renewable energy + energy efficiency Zambia’s INDC includes both mitigation and adaptation components based on her national circumstances and is in line with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 ADAPTATION  Adaptation of strategic productive systems (agriculture, forests, wildlife and water) Adaptation of strategic infrastructure and health systems Enhanced capacity building, research, technology transfer and finance MITIGATION  Sustainable Forest Management  Sustainable Agriculture Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. Photo credit: SCIAF Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

4 47 % vs. 25 % The successful implementation of Zambia’s NDC will result in emission reduction by 47% (with substantial internationally supported efforts) against 2010 as a base year. Without substantial external support (current level of support) Zambia would reduce its emissions by 25% against the This emission reduction is conditional and subject to the availability of international support in form of finance, technology and capacity building. The total budget for implementing both components is estimated at US$ 50 billion by the year 2030. USD 35 billion is expected to come from external sources while $15 billion will be mobilized from domestic sources. Photo credit: SCIAF Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

5 Progress on NDC implementation
Provincial awareness of NDC in all 10 provinces Developed three priority projects per province Mainstreaming gender in NDC Implementing UNDP Support Programme RECENT PAST Conducted provincial awareness creation on NDC (covering all the ten provinces) Developed priority projects (3 per province) bringing total to 30 projects idea notes for 10 provinces The provincial consultations yielded project concept notes at provincial and national level Projects cover both adaptation and mitigation Incorporated NDC in the 7NDP CURRENT Implementing UNDP supported NDC Support Programme Mainstreaming gender in the NDC NDC implementation plan Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

6 Energy sector’s contribution to Zambia’s NDC
Access to renewable energy and energy efficient measures are key components of Zambia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

7 Example of priority projects Zambia
Scaling renewable energy (100MW) solar Sustainable Forest Management Lusaka highway infrastructure and mass transit system development Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

8 Energy Sector Snapshot
Potential Generation Consumption 6000 MW of Hydro potential, of which only MW (40 %) is exploited Current small hydropower (SHP) between 1 MW to 20 MW with the installed capacity of around 44 MW, (0.7 % of national hydro potential) Solar potential: 6-8 hrs/day, with energy output of 5.5kwh/m²/day Over 70% Biomass Geothermal potential: more than 80 hot springs Coal Fired power plants by IPPs contribute 300 MW, 10% of installed capacity Currently analysing Wind resource potential by end of 2018 2,878 MW Total Installed Capacity 17% Of capacity developed by IPPs 34% 67.7% 4.4% 5% National Electrification Urban Access Rural Peak Demand Demand Growth Per annum 2.1 GW Installed Capacity by source 5,090MW peak generation Peak demand: Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

9 Energy – Zambia’s challenge
Lack of access to sustainable energy services continues to hamper productivity in Zambia Only 4.4 % of people in rural areas have energy access 8 % electrification target for rural areas by 2021 Goals are difficult to achieve with current funding Private sector investments are essential Lack of access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy services continues to hamper productivity, delivery of services and smooth and equitable growth of the overall Zambian economy. The overall national electricity access rate, defined as connection to the grid, is low at 31.2 percent – 67.7 percent of the population in urban areas, and only 4.4 percent in rural areas, have access to electricity, as defined in the national living conditions survey 2015. 90% for urban and 51% for rural areas to be reached by In parallel, the 7th National Development Plan has set electrification targets at 80% for (peri-)urban areas and 8% (grid connected) for rural areas to be reached by 2021. At the current level of funding, which has been irregular and not sufficient, the above targets for improving electricity access to rural and peri-urban areas will be a large challenge to achieve. In this regard, the role of the private sector in providing affordable energy services in rural areas cannot be overemphasized and therefore the government works to facilitate enabling environment for private investors. Photo credit: Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

10 Clean energy opportunities
Batoka Hydro Power project; 1,200 MW to be completed in 2021 Cost of project – US$3 billion Scaling solar phase 2 Additional 150 to 250MW on grid connected solar PV power plant Private sector will compete on the right to develop, finance, construct and maintain utility scale solar World Bank Renewable Resource Mapping Wind and solar resources are being quantified for large scale power generation 10 automatic weather stations installed and 8 wind measuring masts installed to collect data for two years to ascertain potential Small hydro power generation 20 sites have been identified where private sector investors can undertake studies and establish project bankability and further development Decentralised / off grid systems Photo credit: Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

11 Energy – ongoing initiatives
REFiT Strategy GETFiT Programme Development of National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency strategy Preparation for a National Electrification Program Off Grid Energy Task Force established Initiatives for mini-grids and standalone off-grid systems – e.g. Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia A new coordination platform, the Off Grid Task Force recently established by the government and Cooperating Partners, with participation of private sector stakeholders, will serve as a vehicle to promote the developments and facilitate the pace of off grid electrification. The GRZ is updating of the National Energy Policy of 2008 and developing a national renewable energy and energy efficiency strategy The GRZ has launched the preparation process for a National Electrification Program (NEP). A number of initiatives are ongoing to promote development of mini grids and standalone systems in the off-grid space, using innovative financing mechanism and instruments going beyond traditional grant funding, including a specific effort for public-private partnerships. The example of Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia has successfully demonstrated the roll out of new business models in Zambia, expanded the market for solar home systems and sped up the pace of off-grid electrification. Photo credit: Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

12 Thank you! Photo credit: ESI Africa
Ministry of Energy Republic of Zambia

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