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What is a PATRIOT? Patriots were people who wanted the American colonies (13) to gain INDEPENDENCE from Britain. They felt that is was time to have their.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a PATRIOT? Patriots were people who wanted the American colonies (13) to gain INDEPENDENCE from Britain. They felt that is was time to have their."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a PATRIOT? Patriots were people who wanted the American colonies (13) to gain INDEPENDENCE from Britain. They felt that is was time to have their OWN country, now called the United States. People became a Patriot because they felt that they were being treated unfairly by the British, aka King George. What ways have we discussed that seemed unfair to you?

Famous Patriots Thomas Jefferson  John Adams  George Washington  Also Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, Ethan Allen, Patrick Henry, and Ben Franklin Called the FOUNDING FATHERS)

4 What is a LOYALIST? Loyalists are the people who didn’t think that we should separate from Britain. Some of these people were simply afraid of the British Army. Some had vested interest in Britain, so they didn’t want to separate for Greedy reasons. Lastly, others felt that the Government of the British was better than a NEW government and feared the changes that would be made.

5 Loyalists During the War and After
DURING THE WAR- Imagine how their lives were during the war. They are in disagreement with majority of their neighbors. How do you think that felt? Many lost their LAND and BUSINESSES. Why? Many left the country and returned to Britain. Some stayed, but helped the British fight.

6 Loyalists During the War and After
Many loyalists moved to England after the war ended. A lot of them lost their fortunes and land that they had built up over years in the Americas. In some cases the British government paid them for their loyalty, but it was not nearly as much as they had lost. The United States government wanted the loyalists to stay. They felt the new country could use their skills and education. Few stayed, however.

7 Taxation The colonists should help pay Great Britain for the French and Indian war debt. (Loyalist View) “No Taxation without Representation” is a false argument. (Loyalist View) The colonists should have total control over who taxes them (colonial assemblies or Parliament). (Patriot View) The colonists should have total control over how tax money is spent. (Patriot View)

8 The colonists do not have the money to form and maintain a
National Security The colonists can defeat Great Britain because they have home-ground advantage. (Patriot View) The colonists cannot win a war with Great Britain because the British have the most powerful army and navy in the world. (Loyalist View) Should the colonists win a war with Great Britain, they will not have the capacity to defend themselves against France and Spain in North America. (Loyalist View) The colonists do not have the money to form and maintain a national army and navy. (Loyalist View)

9 Being part of the British empire gives the colonists
Trade Being part of the British empire gives the colonists access to goods from all over the world. (Loyalist View) Should the colonists win a war with Great Britain, it will be difficult to develop international trade relations and thus the economy will suffer. (Loyalist View) The colonists have a secure market in Great Britain for their goods and raw materials. (Loyalist View)

10 Government An increase in control by the British government should not alone justify going to war. (Loyalist View) An imperfect situation is better than the unknown. (Loyalist View) If the war is lost, some of the most intelligent, respected leaders in the colonies will be hanged. (Loyalist View)

11 English Subjects The colonist’s rights as English subjects are limited by the English bill of rights. (Patriot View) The Patriots have exaggerated problems with Great Britain. (Loyalist View) The colonists have repeatedly petitioned the King and Parliament to hear their grievances, but were either ignored or answered with more British control. (Patriot View)

12 As John Locke stated, government is a contract
As John Locke stated, government is a contract. The king has failed to uphold his end of the contract as the protector of the colonies. (Patriot View) Britain has allowed the colonists more rights and privileges than any other nation on earth. The Patriots act like spoiled children expecting more and giving less than those in Great Britain. (Loyalist View) The King is chosen by God. Treason against the King is treason against God. (Loyalist View) The colonists basic rights are being eroded. They are no longer guaranteed trials at the place of the crime and troops are being quartered in their homes. (Patriot View) English Subjects

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