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Research Paper Lesson Plans 2017-2018 Reserve computers for days 2 on.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Paper Lesson Plans 2017-2018 Reserve computers for days 2 on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Paper Lesson Plans Reserve computers for days 2 on.

2 Day 1: Let the Research Begin
Read and discuss Chapter 12 in Literature book. Handout requirements of the project with a day-to-day calendar (the ppt.)

3 Day 2: Practice Taking a Stand
Would you rather… Be able to pause the world around you or to silence it? Be able to fast forward life or rewind it? Live in a world without cellphones or a world without computers? Spend a 5-hour car ride with Bill Gates or with Taylor Lautner/Kim Kardashian? Be sure to restate the writing prompt and explain your rationale. 15 min. total.

4 Day 2: 4-square activity In a sentence or two, explain an argument you have had with a parent or friend: My side of the argument. My parent’s (friend’s) side of the argument. My parents response would be... My response would be... 20 min. totoal

5 Day 2: Sample Counter Arguments
Read the example text of proposition 19 Read once highlighting in yellow the arguments in favor of the proposition. Re read and highlight in pink the argument against proposition. 20 min. total

6 Day 2: Exit Slip Pick a topic to write about for an argumentative research paper Complete the 4-square box for your argument 15 min.

7 Day 3: The Question Form some researchable questions for your topic.
10 min. *reserve computers for 30 min.

8 Day 3: The Introduction 7 Hooks Thesis = topic + opinion + reasons
Samsung is better than Apple because they are less expensive and have a better operating system. 20 min.

9 Day 3: Sample Introductions
Kelly Gallagher samples 10 min.

10 Day 3: Exit Slip Write a hook and thesis to make your introductory paragraph. 30 min.

11 Day 4: Credible Sources Use to find different data bases for useful and reliable sources. Explore your topic and collect notes Use the citation feature of these websites to make life easier Exit slip: 2 different sources with evidence 70 min.

12 Day 5: The Body Paragraph
Kelly Gallagher samples Exit slip: Write one body paragraph 70 min.

13 Day 6: Conclusions Kelly Gallagher’s advice on conclusions
Do... Don’t... Ask a provocative question Simply restate your thesis statement Leave with an interesting quotation Introduce a brand new idea Call for action Focus on a minor point of the essay Loop back to the anecdote in the introduction Use the following phrases: “in conclusion,” “in summary,” or “in closing” End with a warning Add extra information that should have been in the body of the essay Paint a strong image Express your hopes Answer the “So what?” question Point to broader implications Day 6: Conclusions Kelly Gallagher’s advice on conclusions Exit slip: Write a conclusion 70 min.

14 Day 7: Formatting the paper
TNR 12-size font Heading Header (pagination) Double-spaced throughout Works Cited Margins and new paragrpaphs In-text citation

15 Day 8: Revising

16 Day 9: Edit

17 Day 10:Turn it in

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