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Presentation on theme: "MACROMOLECULES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Carbohydrates main energy source Includes: sugars & starches 3 groups:
1. Monosaccharide – These are themonomers(subunits)(building blocks) simple sugars ex. Glucose & fructose 2. Disaccharides – 2 monosaccharides ex. Lactose & sucrose

3 3. Polysaccharides Examples: Starch – in plants Glycogen – animals
Cellulose – in cell walls Chitin - exoskeleton

4 Ratio of carbon to hydrogen to oxygen is usually 1:2:1
Ex. C6H12O6 sugar has a ring shape & end in “ose” Starches can be hundreds of rings long

5 Benedict’s Solution tests for the presence of sugars by turning from blue to orange / red in the presence of heat Iodine tests for the presence of starch by turn from brown / orange to purple / black

6 About Benedicts solution
A Movie About Benedicts solution



9 Watch brainpop on carbohydrates & take quiz

10 Lipids Function: Energy storage Categorized into fats, oils & waxes
Not water soluble Mostly made of carbon & hydrogen Part of cell membranes

11 Described as “saturated” or “unsaturated”
Includes steroids

12 Examples of Steroids Testosterone Estrogen Progesterone

13 Shape: big

14 Sudan Red-tests for lipids
A translucent spot on a brown paper bag indicates the presence of a lipid Sudan Red-tests for lipids

15 Watch brainpop on fats & Take quiz

16 Nucleic Acid Contains hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon & phosphorus
Made of nucleotides (5- carbon sugar, phosphate group & nitrogenous base)

17 Stores & transmits genetic material
3 types: RNA: Shape = single helix Sugar = ribose

18 DNA: Shape = double helix Sugar = deoxyribose

19 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the nucleotide known as the "molecular currency" of intracellular energy transfer; ATP is able to store and transport chemical energy within cells.



22 Proteins Contain: nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen & oxygen
Made of amino acids

23 controls the rate of reactions
Regulates cell processes Forms bones & muscles Transports substances in & out of cells to fight disease Ex. Enzymes

24 Protein


26 Enzymes SPI Describe how enzymes control chemical reaction in the body

27 What Are Enzymes? Enzymes are Proteins.
Act as Catalysts to accelerate a reaction (make it go faster) Not permanently changed in the process

28 The shape of an enzyme is specific for what it reacts with (it’s substrate)
Are Reusable End in –ase -Sucrase -Lactase

29 What do Enzymes do?? Break things down Make reactions happen faster
Integral to digestive system Without them, you would die


31 How do enzymes Work? Enzymes work by lowering activation energy

32 1- substrate attaches to enzyme
2 - Reaction occurs 3 - Enzyme lets go – substrate floats away – enzyme is unchanged Substrate is now called a product

33 Progress of the reaction Free energy of activation
Enzymes Without Enzyme With Enzyme Free Energy Progress of the reaction Reactants Products Free energy of activation

34 Enzyme-Substrate Complex
The Active Site location where an enzyme binds to the substrate. Active Site Enzyme Substrate

35 http://highered. mcgraw- hill /student_view0/chapter2/a nimation__how_enzymes_work.html Mr. W’s “Enzyme Song!”

36 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
Temperature pH Inhibitors

37 High temperatures are the most dangerous
they denature enzymes (change the shape) Most enzymes like near neutral pH (6 to 8) Inhibitors - slow down enzymes Ex. Preservatives

38 Test for proteins Biuret solution turns from blue to purple or pink in the presence of proteins.

39 For figuring out structure pictures
Cheat Sheet For figuring out structure pictures

40 1. Does it have a P? Yes= Nucleic acid No= go to 2 2. Does it have an N? Yes= Protein No= go to 3

41 3. Is it a ring? Yes = sugar (carbohydrate) Is it rings holding hands? Then it is starch (carbohydrate) Is it big? Than it’s probably a lipid

42 Watch brainpop on "Body Chemistry"

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