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Overall goals of IIEP’s web site

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1 Overall goals of IIEP’s web site
Provide working tools for research and training Increase impact and ‘outreach’ of the Institute Connect with the Institute’s formal and informal networks Reinforce the IIEP’s legitimacy >> Member States, National Commissions, Permanent Delegations, etc.

2 IIEP’s Audience Educational specialists Donor agencies Alumni NGOs
IIEP/UNESCO staff and constituencies Students and researchers Media (Press, other web sites)

3 Overview of the web site
Institutional web site Trilingual: English, French, Spanish Over 200 screens (x 3 languages) Some 15,000 monthly page views (2004) Static web site ( Other web sites: HIVAIDS Clearinghouse; IIEP Buenos Aires; collaboration in partnership sites, RedEtis)

4 Has the web site achieved its goals?
Increase in demand for publications, Newsletter and other information Dramatic traffic increase since revamping

5 User testing Underway Goals: to improve and/or validate >>
Needs analysis Relevance of content Usability; tree structure Tone

6 Services to Member States
Content structure By theme, drawing from IIEP’s main activities: About IIEP Training Research Services to Member States Networking Publications Newsletter Documentation Centre

7 Content structure By user-friendly themes (‘Focus’): Education for All
Emergencies and reconstruction Ethics and corruption HIV/AIDS and education Information systems E-learning

8 Use of meta-data keywords
Meta-data keywords used for testing purposes since July 2004 Relative success in search engine ratings Installation of meta-data keywords in three languages process Priority Google-friendly measure: links exchange

9 Work-flow for getting content onto web site
Calendar and programming of updates Web team interacts with programme staff (informal or web meeting) Web editor responsible for translation and quality control Web administrator prepares HTML pages and graphics and maintains the web site

10 Work-flow for getting content onto web site
Calendar sent out for info on projects Programming of updates for the year Updating and maintainance of site Interactivity – Web team and staff Preparation of web pages Content prepared and sent for translation

11 Maintaining “freshness” of content
Regular meetings within web team Meetings with programme staff to discuss new items and developments Homepage reviewed fortnightly or monthly Synchronized with publishing of print Newsletter

12 Editorial principles for writing for the web
Content templates Editing for scan reading (e.g. inverted pyramid; titles; bullets…) The simpler the better (specialized terms explained; 1 idea per sentence…) Links, with logical reading scenarios User’s time is money: keeping in mind the minimum clicks rules and usability standards

13 Management Web team leader directly responsible vis à vis Direction (DAC) Each content provider reports to programme team leaders

14 IIEP web team Content provided by staff for each theme
Overall responsible person (ID) Two-thirds time web editor 1 web administrator External translators and proof readers

15 Financing the web site development
Centrally funded from core funds Use of project money to finance developement

16 Promotion of web site’s content
Submission of URL to search engines – yearly Announcements in IIEP’s Newsletter Links exchange Presentation to trainees

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