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Mon. 1 /9 Freshman English I-A

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Presentation on theme: "Mon. 1 /9 Freshman English I-A"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mon. 1 /9 Freshman English I-A
This week: more live video poetry, plus review prep for final; review grades/assignments Save the date: 2nd Quarter Final Tues. 1/24 Today: Review classroom expectations, consequences due (20 pnts): your name, student number, list of any missing assignments Discuss Acquainted with the Night, analysis due today Cowboy poetry HOMEWORK: dodecahedron due Fri. (30 points)

2 Mr. Lamson’s classroom expectations
READ FROM POSTING - MUTUAL RESPECT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS Consequences for ignoring these expectations: Detentions after school Calls home Suspension, etc.

3 Review analysis Acquainted with the Night; hand-in end of period
Hand forward / collect today’s HW (your name, student number, list of any missing assignments, as per family link) Review analysis Acquainted with the Night; hand-in end of period Cowboy Poetry: Tom Swearingen; Pass out exercise, read through When a Horse Hoof Hits the Ground SAVE EXERCISE, COMPLETE WEDNESDAY IN-CLASS


5 Door Overhead screen Mr. L.’s desk Angelo Erika Ellie Devon Kellen
Cinch Maddie Abby Ashleigh Gage Quinten Taylor H. Donovan Tiler Russell Makenna Airron Warner Jesse Taylor A. Emilie Sierra Tiler B. Eli Emily Kohlten

6 Poem: Acquainted With the Night
Start assignment this period, finish as HW if necessary, due at beginning of class Mon. Find your copy of Acquainted With the Night, (handed out Thurs.) Head it with name, period, date Have your literary terms reference out (handed out Thurs.) Circle words of imagery; Draw lines linking end rhymes; Count syllables in each line, write that number in the left-hand margin; Read the poem aloud to find the accented syllables in the lines; mark each accented syllable (just above it) with an accent mark; On your literary terms sheet, (handed out Thursday), find “Personification” and its definition. Underline the example of personification in the poem. Find “Affect”. Re-read the poem. In your opinion, what’s the overall affect? (Write answers on the poem.) ___________________________ Find “Symbol”. Re-read the poem. If night is a symbol, what is it a symbol of? (Write answer on the poem.) _______________________________________________________________.

7 This is a performed poem at a poetry slam.
This is a performed poem at a poetry slam. The writers are performing their own original work. These poets are youth of color, but poetry slams are popular today for all classes and colors of American youth. Poetry “slams” are competitive poetry events. They are popular. They are held all over America. The spoken word pieces - the poems - are often characterized by personal voice, truth-telling, authenticity. The “slams” are usually organized by youth - HS and MS students. They can be pretty fierce: sexy, political, emotional.

8 Notes: 2nd period:

9 Fire and Ice By Robert Frost Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.

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