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SAT Words By: Azucena Flores

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Presentation on theme: "SAT Words By: Azucena Flores"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAT Words By: Azucena Flores

2 Acme (noun) Meaning: The highest point or summit.
Sentence: The acme of the mountain was very far.

3 Exhume (verb) Meaning: To dig out of the earth.
Sentence: The archeologists exhume to find ancient artifacts.

4 Inapt (adjective) Meaning: Awkward or slow.
Sentence: The student that didn’t study felt inapt when the teacher asked him a question.

5 Satiate (verb) Meaning: To satisfy fully the appetite or desire of.
Sentence: The only way to satiate the girl’s hunger was to give her a burger.

6 Vivacity (noun) Meaning: Liveliness
Sentence: The vivacity of the disco tech was immense.

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