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The South During Reconstruction

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1 The South During Reconstruction

2 What political party dominated politics in the South during reconstruction?
The Republican Party What different groups supported this party? African Americans White settlers from the North White southerners who supported northern policies

3 What type of representation did African Americans have in the new governments?
They did not control the government in any State Had majority in the lower house of the Senate of South Carolina for a time 16 African Americans served in the House Hiram Revels-Served in the Senate Blanche Bruce- former slave who turned into a Senator from Mississippi.

4 Reconstruction Scalawag Carpetbagger
Name used for southern whites who sided with northern policies Carpetbagger Northerners who moved to the south after the war

5 Southern Control Over freed people
How? Some told freed slaves they could not leave the plantations Refused to rent land to African Americans or give them work Some resorted to violence and intimidation

6 Ku Klux Klan Secret Society of terror
In Jackson County, Florida killed over 150 people in 3 year period Carried out raids Burned churches, homes and schools Mass killings before elections to intimidate African Americans

7 Educational Improvements
Public systems for both races African American Teachers were hired African American centers for higher education Ex Morehouse and Atlanta University

8 Work to be done Generally African Americans and whites attended different schools. Only Louisiana, Florida and South Carolina had integrated schools But they were not enforced

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