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Good morning! Please get out your Major Themes sheet and your notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning! Please get out your Major Themes sheet and your notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning! Please get out your Major Themes sheet and your notes.
Be prepared to write down a lot of stuff today.

2 The Gilded Age & The Progressive Era
Unit Questions: What is the cost of progress? What do we value? GQ #2 - How great were the economic and social consequences of rapid industrialization in the late nineteenth century?

3 Past Paper 2 Questions for GQ#2
See handouts.

4 GQ#2 – How great were the social & economic consequences of rapid industrialization? Captains of Industry or Robber Barons?

5 Business vs. Labor

6 Business vs. Labor Businesses making big $$$ Technology & inventions
Unfair practices Effects Economic boom for some Many people exploited

7 Working Conditions Low Pay Long hours Unsafe conditions
1899: men $498/yr, women $267 Carnegie: $23 Million - Disparity of Wealth 10% of population controlled 90% of wealth Long hours 12-14 hrs – 6-7 days a week Unsafe conditions 1882: 675 killed per week

8 Working Conditions Child Labor No benefits Sweatshops - unsafe
Triangle Shirtwaist Co. 1911 146 killed

9 Labor Unions Goals Tactics AFL – Samuel Gompers
Industrial Workers of the World “Big Bill” Haywood Advocated Socialism Contrast with “bread & butter unionism” of AFL

10 Reaction to Unions Business Government Violent Strikes
Haymarket Square – 1877 Public opinion? Sherman Antitrust Act used against them Homestead Strike 1892 Pullman Strike 1894

11 Effects of Unions Pro-business environment hurt them
Still around today Many reforms brought by unions

12 Quiz 1.What was the average pay for women in 1899 ?
2. How many people were killed per week in factories in 1882? 3. Why did 146 people die at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company? 4. Who was Samuel Gompers? 5. Public opinion turned against unions after what incident in 1877?

13 I see…I think…I wonder…

14 GQ #2 - How great were the economic and social consequences of rapid industrialization in the late nineteenth century? Read “The Impact of Mechanization.” What are the changes? How were “common” people involved? How did they respond?

15 The Impact of Industrialization - Wells
Read the excerpt quietly. - Write down answers to the questions at the top. Re-read the excerpt. - Write a one sentence summary of each paragraph. What is the main idea? Work with your group to Tweet the excerpt. Write a Tweet of 140 characters or less for each paragraph. Then write one Tweet to summarize the entire piece.

16 Immigration & Urbanization
America Moves to the City


18 Old vs. New Immigrants (1890)
Immigration millions of immigrants to America – Why? (Push & Pull Factors) Old vs. New Immigrants (1890) How were they received?

19 Ports of Entry Ellis Island Statue of Liberty 1886 Angel Island

20 Problems for Immigrants
Language, Religion, Culture Ethnic enclaves - Ghettos Rise of Nativism American Protective Assoc. 1887 Organized Labor Old vs. New immigrants Chinese Exclusion Act – 1882 Gentlemen’s Agreement



23 What made city life possible? What were the problems?
Urbanization Americans & Immigrants attracted to cities – why? What made city life possible? Inventions & innovations What were the problems?

24 Problems of Cities Urban population skyrocketing
Those with money moved Suburbs – bedroom communities Mass transit – streetcars, trolleys Effect on cities Housing Water, sanitation, crime Calls for limiting immigration

25 Dumbbell Tenement

26 Flophouses A Seven-Cent Lodging House, Pell Street

27 Government Help? City “Machines” Boss Tweed Effects of Machines?
Tammany Hall Effects of Machines? The good & the bad? Gangs of New York Fire Scene

28 Reform Movement Social Gospel Settlement Houses
Walter Rauschenbusch Settlement Houses Jane Addams Florence Kelly Americanization Movement 1910s

29 Quiz 1. How were “new” immigrants different from “old” immigrants?
2. Which immigrants came through Ellis Island? 3. What is “the social gospel?” 4. What was the goal of the Americanization Movement? 5. Who was Jane Addams?

30 Unit 3 Assessments See Samples & Rubrics
Re-write your responses.  I’ll give you back your work, you use your notes and class resources to re-write your responses.  You can earn 1/2 of your missing points back this way.  Re-study and take the test again – same format but with different questions for a grade that will replace the first grade.

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