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How does Energy Flow through a Beach Ecosystem?

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Presentation on theme: "How does Energy Flow through a Beach Ecosystem?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does Energy Flow through a Beach Ecosystem?

2 Autotrophs Heterotrophs
Organisms that can make their own food using the sun’s energy (photosynthesis) Heterotrophs Organisms that rely on external energy sources (eat plants/animals)

3 Food Chains


5 Producers (autotrophs)
Organisms that make their own food using the sun’s energy (Photosynthesis)

6 Algae Seagrass Phytoplankton
Examples: (Plants) Algae Seagrass Phytoplankton

7 Primary Consumers The 1st level of heterotrophs that get their energy by eating producers

8 Examples: (Herbivores)
Blue Tang Green Sea Turtle Manatee Sea Urchin

9 Secondary Consumers The 2nd level of heterotrophs that get their energy by eating primary consumers

10 Examples: (Carnivores)
Butterfly fish Dolphins Most larger fish Most Sea turtles

11 Top Predator (tertiary consumer)
Organisms that get their energy by eating other consumers

12 Some sharks Some whales Humans
Examples: Some sharks Some whales Humans

13 Other Consumers Scavengers Decomposers
eat what is left of producers and consumers (ex. crabs & snails) Decomposers - break down dead plants and animals, as well as waste (ex. bacteria)

14 Top Predator Secondary Consumer Primary Consumer R Producer

15 The trophic pyramid has an ecological efficiency of 10% - only 10% of the energy from one level transfers to the next (90% is lost to entropy – heat!)

16 Food Web Shows that organisms often have different choices of prey; represents the flow of energy through consumption in nature.

17 Removing Cats to Protect Birds Backfires on Island
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