More on Population Pyramids

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Presentation on theme: "More on Population Pyramids"— Presentation transcript:

1 More on Population Pyramids

2 Canadian Provinces pd/pyramid-pyramide/his/index-eng.cfm Look at the differences between the provinces! Compare Newfoundland and Alberta What provinces/territories have rapidly declining birth rates? What provinces / territories have way more men than women? Why?


4 4 Kinds of Population Pyramids

5 1)

6 2)

7 3)

8 4)

9 Unbalanced Pyramids

10 Lots of male workers Sometimes it is due to a large amount of temporary foreign male workers who work in nearly slave labour conditions The statistics show that % of Dubai’s population of approximately 2.2 million are men, and just % are women. rogrammes/101east/2013/0 7/ ht ml

11 Preference for male babies
Boys are often preferred in traditional Indian families More than 10m female births in India may have been lost to abortion and sex selection in the past 20 years, according to medical research m/watch?v=4iPGCIG3Gcs

12 There is a gender imbalance of  births: 118 males are born to every 100 females in China
om/watch?v=ndWuq6A znmQ

13 Effect of War Look at how many more older women there are than men in Germany

14 Similarly, look at how many older women there are in Poland compared to the men.

15 Look at the dip in the number of year olds there are, and then how many more older women there are than men. This corresponds with Pol Pot’s reign of terror and the civil war in which millions were killed.

16 Effect of Disease Third highest rate of HIV/AIDS
Approx. 22% of the adult population has HIV

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