Paragraph Organization

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Presentation on theme: "Paragraph Organization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Paragraph Organization
Take notes when you see the pencil.

2 ICE-T I:Introduce the detail or fact or dominant idea
C: Cite the evidence: quote, detail or fact E: Explain the relevance/importance of the evidence T: Transition to the next idea

3 The Topic Sentence… …introduces the topic of the paragraph.
Each sentence that follows in this paragraph must expand somehow upon this topic.

4 Cite a detail or fact Expands upon the ideas present in the topic sentence by providing examples from research. Presents facts, quotes and ideas associated with the paragraph topic and introduce key concepts. Provides Textual Evidence and is properly cited in MLA Format

5 Explain the Relevance of the Evidence
Provides additional details by explaining the relevance of the fact to the subtopic or overall thesis. Answers the questions: So what? What does this mean? Why is this fact important to the text? What is the point and how does it connect to your claim? May also lead into a new fact.

6 Conclusion or Transition Sentence
Restates the main idea of the paragraph in a new way, often taking into account new information provided by the facts and discussion in this paragraph. May also lead into a new paragraph’s main idea.

7 Effective Paragraph Structure
Introduce: Topic Sentence (1-2 sentences) Cite: Detail/Fact (1-2 sentences) Explanation of Relevance (2+ sentences) Explanation or Relevance (2+ sentences) Transition Sentence or Conclusion (1-2 sentences)

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