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Factories and Workers Preview Main Idea / Reading Focus

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2 Factories and Workers Preview Main Idea / Reading Focus
Production before Factories Factories and Factory Towns The Factory System and Workers Quick Facts: Effects of the Factory System Factories and Mass Production

3 Factories and Workers Main Idea Reading Focus
The transition from cottage industries changed how people worked in factories, what life was like in factory towns, labor conditions, and, eventually, processes within factories. Reading Focus How was production organized before factories? What were factories and factory towns like? How did the factory system affect workers? What was mass production, and what were its effects?

4 Production before Factories
Raw materials delivered Work done to completion Merchant takes product to market Workers controlled schedules, quality Family life revolved around business Work in the Home Destruction of equipment by a fire or a flood ruined families Time to learn skills Physical strength required- looms were large and required strength. Factory owners took advantage of drawbacks Problems for Cottage Industries

5 Cottage system

6 Production before Factories

7 What were some benefits of the cottage system of production?
Find the Main Idea What were some benefits of the cottage system of production? Answer(s): workers made decisions about when to work, rest, and eat, how much to produce; family could adjust work schedule, all family members could be involved


9 Factories and Factory Towns
Where employees worked Major change from cottage industry Had to leave home to work Hardships for some workers


11 Life in factory towns Towns grew up around factories
Towns, factories rose near coal mines Sanitation poor in many factory towns

12 Workers in a New Economy
Employers shared little of their profits with employees U.S. immigrants were more than willing to work Employers often preferred hiring women and children because men expected higher wages. Many people saw unskilled factory jobs as inappropriate for men. Three levels of participants Wealthy business people to invest in and own the factories Mid-level employees to run the factories and supervise the day-to-day operations Low-level employees to run the machines






18 Do we still have child labor today?



21 Identify Supporting Details
What are some facts that illustrate the difficulties of factory work? Answer(s): injuries, long workdays, noise, lack of ventilation, poor sanitation, inadequate food

22 Cottage Workers Unrest

23 The Factory System and Workers
Workers in a New Economy Wealthy to invest in, own factories Mid-level to run factories Low-level to run machines Cottage Workers’ Unrest Handmade goods more expensive than factory made Luddite movement, 1811 Violence spread, 1812 Changing Labor Conditions No government regulation Labor unions organized Strikes brought change New Class of Workers Growth of middle class Managers, accountants, engineers, mechanics, salesmen Economy increased


25 Identify Cause and Effect
How did the factory system affect different groups? Answer(s): Different groups that were part of the factory system became part of the middle class.

26 Factories and Mass Production
The factory system changed the world of work. In addition, new processes further changed how people worked in factories. Mass production began in U.S. Elements: Interchangeable parts Assembly line Production and repair more efficient Production more swift Mass Production Dramatic increase in production Businesses charged less Affordable goods More repetitious jobs Soon became norm Effects

27 What was mass production?
Summarize What was mass production? Answer(s): a system of manufacturing large numbers of identical items

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