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Colonialism and Area 2nd Day 10M lesson first 10X lesson second

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1 Colonialism and Area 2nd Day 10M lesson first 10X lesson second

2 World History 10m - Do Now! TAG In!!! Make sure your classmates tag in!!
Review the LT and the SC from last class – see the side white board.  Then write the new LT and SC (see below) at the top of the last page of your packet!!!! LT – I will recognize key facts that are important to understanding colonialism in Africa. SC – I will write CD's and CM's that explain colonialism in Africa. VOCABULARY - Study your vocabulary words and ASPIRE terminology – can you remember what the words mean from memory?  Quiz yourself and your TRIAD partners!!! Table of Contents – take a few minutes to complete the second and third day on the Unit 1 Table of Contents.

3 10M - Map Work and Questions
1. Scramble for Africa Map – If you did not finish this map, then finish it. If you finished the map, then call Mr. Q over for a quick score on the following rubric. 8/7 - Map is 100% accurate, has a completed key and is neatly and thorougly colored. 6/5 - Map is mostly accurate (a mistake or two), has a key and is completely colored but a little sloppy. 4/3 - Map has a few mistakes, key is incomplete and is sloppily colored and maybe a little incomplete . 2. Africa Resource Map – when you finish this, call me over and I'll give you the next sheet for #3. Look at the map of African resources and then write in the resource in the right country. Write neatly so that the word can be read. 3.  Questions/Paragraph - When you have finished your maps, then please answer the questions on the last page of the packet.  Take your time to do a good job.  Look at the Sentence Frame handout for examples. If you finish early, I have another assignment for you. 4.  Turn in your packet at the end of the period...if you do not complete everything, finish for homework and turn in at the beginning of the next period.

4 Examples of Writing TS – answers the question
The maps show that African resources helped to develop English colonialism. CD – gives facts related to the maps The Scramble for Africa map shows that __________ was mainly in areas of Africa with ____________________ CM – explains how the facts in the CD connect to colonialism and/or ASPIRE The _____________________ (name resource) in Africa helped ______________ (name country) because _________.

5 Do Now – 10X - Write Lt and SC on handout!!
LT – I will analyze how historical AREA issues lead to modern conflicts in S. Africa. SC – I can observe changes in land ownership in S. Africa and explain how those changes have led to political problems in modern South Africa. Self-Assessment (10 to 15 minutes) Take out your last two homework assignments (definitions paragraph and Africa map assignment). In your TRIADS, review each other’s work using the scoring guide at the bottom of each assignment.  Score your paragraphs – do NOT use a PINK highlighter!!! Pick the best paragraph of the two and mark it with a big STAR.  Then staple the two assignments together and place them in the basket. Table of Contents – Unit 1

6 10X Class South African land controversy - Background
Watch videos (background CGTV) (Thabo Mbeki) mbuyiseni-ndlozi-anc-interview-a html (Ramaphosa)

7 10X Class Colonialism and area – south African land redistribution Random Group Map Analysis and writing I have placed you in random groups – after I show you the groups, please move to new seats for the day. In your new groups you will complete the map analysis assignment, including a written component. Even though you will write the paragraph together, each of you will need to have your own version of the paragraph and assignment in our notebook.

8 10X – South African MAP Analysis
We will take a look at a series of different maps from South African history – over a roughly 400-year period. You will take notes/observations about each map. We will share out as a class. Then you will work on your paragraphs as a group. Then we will share out our paragraphs if we have time – keep your copy of the paragraph in your notebook/binder HOMEWORK – Nothing!!!!!

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