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Moving India forward Urban Infrastructure: Challenges & Policy Options for Low Carbon Mobility Amit Bhatt, Director, Integrated Transport.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving India forward Urban Infrastructure: Challenges & Policy Options for Low Carbon Mobility Amit Bhatt, Director, Integrated Transport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving India forward Urban Infrastructure: Challenges & Policy Options for Low Carbon Mobility Amit Bhatt, Director, Integrated Transport

2 INDIA Population: 1.2 Billion (2011 Census)
The second-most populated country in the world, population expected to surpass China in 2030. India occupies 2.4% of world’s area and supports 16.9% of the world’s population Source: Census 2011

3 How INDIA Commutes to work: Census 2011
Commuting in Mega Cities Source: The Hindu, 2015, Census 2011 Source: The Hindu, 2015, Census 2011

4 Transport Infrastructure in India
Road Total Road Length: 48,65, 394 km NH: 76,818 km SH: 1,64,360 Rural Roads: 19,38,220 km Urban Roads: 4,64,294 km Road Length increased 12 times between 1951 to 2012 Road Length per 1000 sq. km: 1480 km Road Length per 1000 Population: 4.03 km Rail 7500 Railway Stations 64, 600 km route 12000 and 7000 pass & freight trains a day 2.8 million tonnes of freight a day 25 million pass a day 3rd Largest Rail Network in the World Air 132 Airports in India 32 International and 154 Domestic Airport 27 Proposed Airports 20 operational airlines in India million international passenger traffic handled million domestic passenger traffic handled in 1.4 and 0.8 million tonnes of cargo handled in Water 12 Major Ports and 200 non-Major Ports 917 million tones of Cargo traffic Handled 21.5 million passenger traffic handled 6 National Waterways of length 4503 km serving 15 states 40% of cargo and 98% of passenger traffic handled by non-major ports. Source: Infrastructure Statistics , MoSPI

5 Snapshot of Share of Transport by Mode in India
Year Passenger KM in Billion Passenger By Public Transport 5756 Traffic by air 108 Traffic by Railway 740 Traffic by Road 4908 % share of Road Transport 85% Traffic by Buses 4173 % share of Bus 74% Traffic by State transport buses 485 % share of STU buses 8% Traffic by Private operated buses 3688 % share of Private buses 64% 2/3rd of which is Bus Transport Source : CRISL | Railway | Aviation | CIRT

6 Urbanization ‘S’ Curve
State of Urbanization: Although 30% of India’s population is urban, & the cities are the engines of economic growth, in India’s federal structure of governance, the state leaders are much stronger than city leaders. This is because the states are still predominantly rural and state leaders are elected by the rural populace. They have to address this urban-rural dichotomy, providing livelihood possibilities in both regions. But they are wary of devolving power to the cities. The rapid rate of transformation at this stage of urbanization makes institutional and systematic solutions harder to implement. Flyover Capacity: Given that India is still in the early stages of its urban transformation, technical and human resource capacity to deal with urban problems is low across all stakeholder groups – government, private sector and civil society. The lack of capacity becomes a big challenge for the implementation projects.

7 Compact cities: Healthier and Safer
ATLANTA BARCELONA Atlanta’s built-up area Barcelona’s built-up area Population: 5.26 million Total area: 16,605 km2 Urban area: km2 Transport emissions: 6.9 tonnes CO2 p.c. Traffic fatalities: 564 per year Population: 5 million Total area: km2 Urban area: 648 km2 Transport emissions: 1.2 tonnes CO2 p.c. Traffic fatalities: 31 per year UPDATED GRAPH (10 December 2014) BASED ON NEW RESEARCH JUST PROVIDED TO NICK FROM LSE. Shows diagram of Atlanta and Barcelona - major differences in urban form and density and transport infrastructure. One based around the car, other based around efficient public transport. Source: LSE research, drawing on data from Atlanta Regional Commission (2014), Autoritat del Transport Metropolita (Area de Barcelona) (2013), GenCat (2013), UCSB (2014), D’Onofrio (2014), based on latest data.

8 How do we Do this? IMPROVE AVOID SHIFT
The need for long motorized trips To the most sustainable modes Efficiency and service We know the kinds of solutions we need to Avoid carbon intensive transport, Shift necessary transport to more sustainable modes, and Improve the efficiency and service of transport infrastructure. But we need to create an enabling environment of integrated solutions, improved capacity, and increased finance to support this work.

9 Biggest opportunity is now

10 Scaling Sustainable mobility
Source for Graphic Source: Dalkmann, WRI

11 High Quality Public Transport through buses `

12 Bicycle Sharing – Bhopal

13 Streets For All – Raahgiri Day Ranchi

14 Mass Transit Ridership in India cities
Sl. No. City Approx Ridership (Pax / Km) 1 Mumbai Metro - Line 1 35000 2 Kolkata Metro 20000 3 Delhi Metro 12000 4 Bangalore Metro 9000 5 iBus (BRT) 6000 6 Kochi Metro 2500 7 Rapid Metro Gurgaon 8 Mumbai Mono Rail 2000 9 Jaipur Metro 1500 10 Chennai Metro 1000

15 Thank you

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